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Happy 12th Birthday, PCRPG

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Repost from the homepage:

Happy 12th Birthday, PCRPG
Today marks the twelfth consecutive year that PCRPG has been running.  It's hard to believe that it has really been that long ago that everything started.  Especially interesting is the fact that the server was never even intended to be permanent.  Indeed, it was the community that quickly sprang up around the server and its version of the TRPG mod that made everything what it would eventually become.  Around 2005 and 2006, we were at our peak.  We had a full server nearly every night at that time.

As the years since then have come to outnumber the years before and those highlights have become distant memories, I do sometimes stop to think about the good times I've had due in no small part to all of you.  I wanted to take this time to say thank you for the last twelve years, and I hope those of you no longer around have found new and interesting things with which to dedicate your time.


Thank you.

Happy Birthday!!


How long have you guys been playing personally?  Did you play TRPG before playing here?

ummmm i think its been 4~5 years.
i started TRPG on PCRPG server.


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