Particle's Custom RPG

PCRPG Development => Development => Topic started by: Darwin on July 11, 2003 06:06 pm CDT

Title: Ghost idea
Post by: Darwin on July 11, 2003 06:06 pm CDT
New idea for a new enemy, ghost.  

Ok, heres how it goes.  You know when you spawn in tribes, you are slightly transparent for like a second.  You can see this when a bot spawns, if you need to know what I am talking about.

Well, if possible, is there a way to set transparency on an entity in the game?  

You can make a skin, most likely white, and have a set transparency on it, and it would look like a ghost.

In fact, now that I think about this, you can do a number of things with that effect.  How about make a player model that is in the shape of a glass pane window?  it would only be comprised of 6 polygons (it can be a player model) and you can set that transparency thing on it, and make it an NPC.  Then, you can place it in a spot on the side of a building, and blammo!  Window!
Post by: UnderGod on July 11, 2003 07:09 pm CDT
Why make something in place of something that allready exists ;)

There will be ghosts in the future.. I allready coded the armors and everything.. Part just needs to finish them off and put them in a dungeon.

They have acutally been in there for quite a while..
Post by: Darwin on July 11, 2003 07:42 pm CDT
Theres more than that that can be done with that effect also!  Something can be done with the water, i bet.
Post by: UnderGod on July 11, 2003 08:00 pm CDT
Water is a texture.. nothing else.

It is just going to sit there..

Don't even think about moving water.
Post by: -Triton- on July 11, 2003 08:20 pm CDT
On Minotaur Outback Steakhouse they have invisible things, only showing the weapon but they are solid you can't walk thru..
Post by: Darwin on July 12, 2003 02:28 am CDT
Thats what I meant, sorta.  I bet particle's new tribes radiant tools could help smooth the process too.  

Im talking about making the water an object, like those NPC's which you can walk through.  And there can be transparency.  If there's a will, there's a way.  If there's and engine, build on it.
Post by: Vorter_X_ on July 12, 2003 02:44 am CDT

#setinvis bot 1
Post by: UnderGod on July 13, 2003 07:17 pm CDT
Hit bot,

invis mode 0..

I really thought you could do better than that vorter.
Post by: Vorter_X_ on July 14, 2003 06:03 am CDT
oops well i said i think i havent used #setinvis for a while lol
Post by: Kasuto on July 14, 2003 06:06 am CDT
Yoshib0y's server had ghost as a choosable class, you get to be on team undead, it was pretty cool. And in the ghost's first dungeon (comparable to Kmines) there were bots that spawned on team human or player or whatever that you could kill. It was pretty cool...he also had a class on team greenskins.
Post by: Vorter_X_ on July 14, 2003 06:12 am CDT
yeah the ghosts start zone was like 2 wells put together for the town and dungeon lol was across from jaten i think
Post by: Kasuto on July 14, 2003 06:29 am CDT
Ya, it was actually where the mines were[edit: i mean the hole where the mines would be in relation to jaten], but you could #open and it'd tele you to the crypt...and the two walls in the entrance of the crypt was the ghost's store i think. Yoshi's was cool, it even had a casino. I really liked the #open command tho, all the doors in ktown could be #opened, but they were restriced to classes...unless you were a rogue, then you could #lockpick if you had some scrap metal. And the door to the rogue's place had doors to ethren and jaten...rogues need a way to get around since they have like .5 neutral casting and .5 energy...that means it's hard to get tp and you have to carry energy vials to fly any great distances. But walking is cool too. Heh i'm babling now.
Post by: GOOD INC on July 22, 2003 03:51 pm CDT
An "observer mode" might be cool. this would allow admins and players to keep an eye on events and take ss if nessessary.
it could allow players to "explore" the map to find where they need to go or such as well.
There could be one of two ways to handle it....
1. the player goes inert while the player is in obs.
2. the player's character could "leave" the map and reapear where they "dropped" from when done.

how about an "invisability "potion" that lasts for a set period of time. make it expensive and the effects leave when you enter a safe zone?

I also like the idea of invisable monsters, they are a little harder to fight when you cant see them and could add a new twist to the storyline. (thinks of invisable avatars of past powerfull characters :))
Post by: UnderGod on July 22, 2003 10:26 pm CDT
Admins can easily see everything without an observer mode.

When the new map gets implimented, we wouldn't want people to know where everything is. Thats the point of a new map.
Post by: GOOD INC on July 22, 2003 10:40 pm CDT
I been askin for a new map forever! when it gonna be implemented?

On the ideas, dats cool, I was just tossen out ideas. Just figured it would be cool for an admin to do that without having to type anything and without acutallu BEING there "physically" so they can see what goes on when they "arent" there. Since I am computer illit, I forget that typing in the commands is as easy for others as pointing and clicking is for me.
I can easily understand not allowing the option to reguler players for the very reason you mentioned.
Post by: Particle on July 22, 2003 11:32 pm CDT
New map?
Post by: Vorter_X_ on July 23, 2003 12:58 am CDT
yeas new map didnt i send you something of my creation a while ago? i dunno if it had anything good in it

then you have Newbie and his map that you can steal ideas from

and ozzy is prolly workin on a map as well
Post by: itssinus on October 13, 2003 09:40 pm CDT
Ok heres the dillio

if thats a word at all

There was a player made special addon for Starsiege, it was a ghost, it was a transparent lil ghost when you killed a herc or got killed by another player, you would be no more but you wwas still able to roam around as a ghost.
The starsiege community made alot of cool stuff as they have top end programers out the kazoo.

I will find this goodie in my archives and post it.
I don't know what good it will do you but i'm sure someone will figure it out.
Post by: UnderGod on October 13, 2003 09:43 pm CDT
Ozzy doesn't map unless Ozzy gets something in return because mapping is a pain in the ass for Ozzy though Ozzy is good at it.
Post by: Susan on November 1, 2003 10:46 pm CST
The simple method for the invisiable character is to set playerdata shapefile to invisable.dts. You would have to validate the file because anyone could just do the old copy and remane bit.

If you want to shift to observer mode, you have to get set to team -1. A few lines of code could then shift you back to where you where at. However, Observer mode isn't always the best thing in the world. To much can be seen using it. Could cut into an admin quest or what have you.