General > Off-The-Wall (OTW)

To ApSex

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--- Quote from: "Aphex" ---there is a reson im an admin. weather you think you know that reason or not, does not change the fact that i am still an admin..
--- End quote ---

Yes because your Internet boyfriend is the leader of particles clan and if you and him lost admin, particle would be kicked from the clan...Particle told us.

You suck. everyone hates you, and your boyfriend....go die!

Please, Im lost, tell me where it is that particle posted this?

(please don't point references to that magical imagination of yours, doesnt help us here)


--- Quote ---Yes because your Internet boyfriend
--- End quote ---

Im sure by internet boyfriend you meant my husband whom i've been with and lived with for the past 4 years??

--- Quote ---if you and him lost admin, particle would be kicked from the clan...Particle told us.
--- End quote ---

Show me please, Show me where he said that.

--- Quote ---You suck. everyone hates you, and your boyfriend....go die!
--- End quote ---

You mean all the idiots dont like me.  I dont really consider that something to die about. maybe you do but I dont.

LOL I can see these people holding guns to thier heads yelling "IF YOU DON'T STOP HATING ME I SWEAR I WILL PULL THE TRIGGER"

LMAO! You guys need to get a life if you think that's why Ent is admin.

seriously i thought all the drama bullmalarkey was something you only do in highschool. you should have grown out of it by now.


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