Particle's Custom RPG

General => Common Topic Symposium => Topic started by: Vivaxx on February 12, 2014 09:45 pm CST

Title: Thank you, Particle
Post by: Vivaxx on February 12, 2014 09:45 pm CST
I feel that this is a long overdue post. I just want to extend my genuine thanks to Particle, for hosting this server all of these years (over 13 years now? not sure).

He has never once asked for donations or anything. He has taken malarkey from a number of people (including myself  :() and has continued to host the server and forum for free.

Thanks Particle. I started playing on this server when I was about 11 years old. I'm almost 24 now, so I honestly feel like I've grown up here. I really have enjoyed all of the years I've spent here, and I know all of us who are still around (and those who have moved on) really appreciate what you've provided for us.

I welcome any other PCRPG players to share their memories and experiences on PCRPG in this thread :)

I hope we will have more years to come.

Thank you,
Title: Re: Thank you, Particle
Post by: KoRo on February 13, 2014 12:08 am CST
I don't remember exactly when I joined, but I want to say it was circa 2003-2004. I went through a number of character changes before finally settling on Caboose. It was fun, if a bit frustrating having to deal with all the malarkey other players put the newbies through. For some reason, I specifically remember Daywalker. He showered Keldrin Town with a bunch of money packs when I was brand new, and he flew way up and landed hard, getting damaged a ton in the process. At the time, I thought that was amazing lol.

But yeah, a lot of memories, both on the server and on the forums. I don't know how we could ever pay Particle back for all that he's done for us. Too bad we can't all go out to a bar and drink beers and talk malarkey to each other in person :D I'd buy him sooo many beers.
Title: Re: Thank you, Particle
Post by: Particle on February 23, 2014 03:11 pm CST
You all are certainly welcome.  My goal was always to provide an environment like the one I wanted to play in.  No fees, no ads, and as few clears as technically possible.  I wasn't able to afford the monthly fee to play an MMO like Asheron's Call or Everquest.  That is how I stumbled across Tribes RPG in the first place; I was wanting to play a free online RPG.  After Stella Blue's server (GRD3 Smokin' I think it was called) cleared for the second time, I started Screw Around RPG for Internet, myself, and a few other friends I had made at Stella's to continue playing and mess around with admin powers.  It wasn't intended to be permanent.  You all know the rest I suppose wherein I discovered I had accumulated a few real players in the weeks I had had it running, and I wasn't about to do to them what had been done to me.  I had felt kind of burnt after investing so much time into my character at Stella's only to have it wiped away.

Some day we should definitely have a meet up.  That would be quite fun, especially that we're all now in our twenties.  heh
Title: Re: Thank you, Particle
Post by: Vivaxx on March 14, 2014 12:53 pm CDT

Some day we should definitely have a meet up.  That would be quite fun, especially that we're all now in our twenties.  heh

That would be awesome haha. I have been a part of many different "gaming communities" over the years, but if I had to pick one to have a meetup it would definitely be PCRPG.
Title: Re: Thank you, Particle
Post by: DaTheif on March 17, 2014 09:18 pm CDT
For real though, thanks so much for providing fun throughout my teen years and a place to build relationships that I will never forget. While I haven't been on the game in a few years now.. a feeling of nostalgia led me here tonight. I'm listening to old music namely Silverstein and Death Cab for Cutie that I learned about on this game.. They remain 2 of my favorite bands til this day. Haha..  Lots of good times. I'd totally meet up with everyone. Haha.. would be awesome.

Title: Re: Thank you, Particle
Post by: KoRo on March 18, 2014 12:53 am CDT
I recently got in to Death Cab after hearing "I Will Possess Your Heart" on the radio. I had no idea that was what they sounded like. I always assumed from your personalities in-game that they were hard rock or something heavy like that. I wasn't even close lol