Particle's Custom RPG

General => Common Topic Symposium => Topic started by: Kyrie on June 9, 2009 12:09 pm CDT

Title: Introducing New Feature: Emotes!
Post by: Kyrie on June 9, 2009 12:09 pm CDT
Next time you're in the server, give this a shot:

#tell Rose, /me list

This will display for you a list of available emote commands!

#tell Rose, /me kick Corona
will result in
Rose kicks Corona in the cornea!

You can fill in your own emote with the 'is' command like so:

#tell rose, /me is kicking Corona in the cornea!
will result in
Rose is kicking Corona in the cornea!

This is a feature provided the players for their amusement. All standard global chat server rules apply: don't spam and try to keep it relatively clean. This is for fun!