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Adding items to merchants

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Anyone know of a tutorial that explains how you add a new item to a merchant? or how to create new bots with inventories? I'm very confused atm seams the data is somehow inbeded in the map volumes or something but not sure how to read that data.

Hmmm been looking at it more and more and I belive the item list data is imbeded in the map seam they are indexed in shopping.cs however when i try to get read the info for the merchant markers in the tribes editor it crashes. Do i have to use worldcraft maybe?

I do not think it would be too hard to make active locations that open custom inventory stations. So every merchant basicly was the same as a station, just walk up and he shows you what he has. (instead of having to type the annoying 'hi' 'buy' commands ect.)This would make my problem much easier fix if it was all in the volume files. >:(

Maybe i'll see if i can change it that way, dosen't seam to ahrd from what i have been looking at so far. Least till fileplanet it back up so i can try woldcraft...

open the mission's .mis and search for Keldrin Merchant

That should be enough for you to be able to tell how to make a merchant.

Open up RPGMap5.mis in old faithful notepad.

Search around for merchants.. you will see a bunch of numbers in a single line when it gets to the merchant data... those numbers are the shopping indexes.. In order for a merchant to sell new items you have to add that item to the shopping indexes and then add the number of the item on the merchant..

TO change bot loadouts you have to go to enemyarmors.cs and go along with the flow..

Wow i never knew you could edit those mission files thanks a ton. This opens a few new windows for me. Lots of stuff in there Thanks


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