Particle's Custom RPG

Assistance => Assistance & Feedback => Topic started by: Sinister on August 3, 2004 10:22 pm CDT

Title: AutoEnergy
Post by: Sinister on August 3, 2004 10:22 pm CDT
Can anyone tell me why this wont work.????? It recognizes that i have vials, but wont actually use them.

// Auto-Energy standalone version //
// This script will automatically
// use Crystal Energy Vials or
// Energy Vials to boost your energy
// when it drops below 100%.
// INSTALLATION: Place this file
// in your /Tribes/config/
// folder (that's it.)
// Then to turn it on, simply type
// exec(autovial); in your console
// To turn it off, type
// exec(autovial); in your console
// again. :)
// You can define how much damage
// you'd like to take before the
// script kicks in and uses a potion.
// The default is 10 damage points.
$TakeThisDamage = 10;
// You can set the speed at which
// the script checks your MP. The
// default is every 0.3 seconds.
// If that causes your Tribes to
// lag, try increasing the number.
$MPCheckInterval = 0.3;

// This toggles the script on or off every time you exec() it
if ($UsingVials == "") {
$UsingVials = "1";
$NoVialAlert = "";
   $StartupNumCVials = getItemCount("Crystal Energy Vial");
   $StartupNumVials = getItemCount("Energy Vial");
      if ($StartupNumCVials == "0" && $StartupNumVials == "0") {
      $StartupNumMsg = "<f1>You do not have any vials.";
      } else {
      $StartupNumMsg = "<f3>You have <f1>" @ $StartupNumCVials @ " Crystal Energy

Vials<f3> and <f1>" @ $StartupNumVials @ " Energy Vials";
   Client::centerPrint("<jc><f3>Auto-Energy script is now: <f1>on \n " @ $StartupNumMsg, 1);
   schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"\", 1);", 5);
} else if ($UsingVials == "1") {
$UsingVials = "";
$NoVialAlert = "";
   Client::centerPrint("<jc><f3>Auto-Energy script is now: <f1>off", 1);
   schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"\", 1);", 5);

// This determines whether or not to run the VialLoop() function
if ($UsingVials == "1") {
   if ($FunctionRunning == "") {
} else {
   $FunctionRunning = "";

// This gets the MP every 0.3 seconds
function VialLoop () {
$FunctionRunning = "1";

remoteEval(2048, fetchData, "MP");
remoteEval(2048, fetchData, "MaxMP");
schedule("$MyMP = $RPGdata[MP];", $MPCheckInterval);
schedule("$MyMaxMP = $RPGdata[MaxMP];", $MPCheckInterval);
schedule("VialDecide();", $MPCheckInterval);

   if ($UsingVials == "") {
   $FunctionRunning = "";
   } else {
   schedule("VialLoop();", $MPCheckInterval);

} // End VialLoop

// This decides whether or not to use a potion
function VialDecide () {

   $MPDownBy = $MyMaxMP - $MyMP;
   if ($MPDownBy > $TakeThisDamage) {
      if (getItemCount("Crystal Energy Vial")) {
         use("Crystal Energy Vial");
         $NoVialAlert = "";
      } else if (getItemCount("Energy Vial")) {
         use("Energy Vial");
         $NoVialAlert = "";
      } else {
         if ($NoVialAlert == "") {

} // End VialDecide

function AlertNoVial () {

$NoVialAlert = 1;
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2>YOU ARE OUT OF VIALS\", 1);", 0);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2> \", 1);", 0.5);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2>YOU ARE OUT OF VIALS\", 1);", 1.0);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2> \", 1);", 1.5);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2>YOU ARE OUT OF VIALS\", 1);", 2.0);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2> \", 1);", 2.5);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"<jc><f2>YOU ARE OUT OF VIALS\", 1);", 3.0);
schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"\", 1);", 4.0);

} // End AlertNoVial

// This function is necessary if the user doesn't have Deus RPG Pack
function remoteSetRPGdata(%server, %data, %type) {
   if (%server == 2048) {
      $MyInfo[%type] = %data;
      $RPGdata[%type] = %data;
} // End remoteSetRPGdata
Post by: Corona on August 3, 2004 11:12 pm CDT
You're using [MP] and [MaxMP] when you should be using [MANA] and [MaxMANA]

recommended change:

remoteEval(2048, fetchData, "MANA");
remoteEval(2048, fetchData, "MaxMANA");
schedule("$MyMP = $RPGdata[MANA];", $MPCheckInterval);
schedule("$MyMaxMP = $RPGdata[MaxMANA];", $MPCheckInterval);
schedule("VialDecide();", $MPCheckInterval);
Post by: Lidge Farkley on August 4, 2004 01:42 pm CDT
You also should redefine all those global variables so that they are confined just to the functions they are being used in.  Global varibles tend to use more CPU cycles... of course... this isn't a very complex script and the ammoudt of data being used would suggest that redefining the variables would actually yield no performance increase.

Maybe I am just rambling again...
Post by: Sinister on August 4, 2004 06:00 pm CDT
It's pretty will function properly with the changes you suggested Taurik, but only at my job, not a home, or at my mom's house.  It keeps popping up syntax error line 55 at my home locations.  Weird eh?  Any ideas why?  The tribes install at work is the same as i have at my mom's house.  Exactly.
Post by: Lidge Farkley on August 4, 2004 09:41 pm CDT
Is the script at home and office the same exact script?

Some times I send unmodified/unfinished versions of things through the e-mail and forget that when I try them later... doh!

Check your line 55 at home :-)
//you might have just forgotten a ; ...that's my most common mistake.... the version of the weapons scripter that I published a couple years back had that problem! :-)  I fixed it and uploaded it 2 months a go... but I didn't re-test anything.  THis all happened because I had saved the wrong version to my uploads foler and didn't update it.... doh!  eh?
Post by: Corona on August 4, 2004 10:03 pm CDT
Quote from: "Lidge Farkley"
You also should redefine all those global variables so that they are confined just to the functions they are being used in.  Global varibles tend to use more CPU cycles... of course... this isn't a very complex script and the ammoudt of data being used would suggest that redefining the variables would actually yield no performance increase.

I wrote the script this one is based on (the original one auto-used heal potions instead of energy potions) so you can blame all inefficient code on me. :) I'm used to Perl, which I'm pretty sure only has global variables. It kind of carries over to my tribes code out of habit.. lol

Quote from: "Sinister"
It's pretty will function properly with the changes you suggested Taurik, but only at my job, not a home, or at my mom's house.  It keeps popping up syntax error line 55 at my home locations.  Weird eh?  Any ideas why?  The tribes install at work is the same as i have at my mom's house.  Exactly.

I checked line 55, which for some reason you've actually divided into two lines:

$StartupNumMsg = "<f3>You have <f1>" @ $StartupNumCVials @ " Crystal Energy

Vials<f3> and <f1>" @ $StartupNumVials @ " Energy Vials";

That would probably cause a syntax error...
Post by: Sinister on August 4, 2004 10:52 pm CDT
I'll just put the working copy on disk and check it when i get home tonight.  If it doesn't work, then there must be a conflict with something that I have at home that I dont have at work.
Post by: Lidge Farkley on August 5, 2004 01:20 am CDT
Yeah I've only really formally worked with HTML and JavaScript... which are extreemly easy compared to some thing like C, Java, C++, etc...

But... I am decent at theory so I can think of ways to solve problems using functions and variables... usually.  I don't blame you! :-)

Anyway... looking in my Perl book...

Hmm.. I wish I hadn't loaned my C/C++ books to my neighbour... doh!

Looking through the Perl book quickly I find no reference to any kinds of variables in Perl ofther than:
@  (which has some special conditions it seems)

Interesting... I would think internal data types would allow for a larger body of code to be written while taking up less active memory... of course... Perl is not C.

Post by: Scrizaks on August 7, 2004 01:23 am CDT
*Tries to read topic*

*sees coding*

*..............(blank stare) ..........*

uh,  :shock:
Post by: -eViL- on August 7, 2004 01:38 am CDT
the broken line may or may not cause an error.  I have written stuff before where i did that, and tribes read over it just fine, and other times tribes would catch it and give errors.  so the copies he has may be the same, but 2 different tribes executables may read the file 2 different ways.
Post by: neil on August 7, 2004 04:43 am CDT
geez who would care anyways...

its on deus chat already... everytime your MP reaches bellow 100% a timer starts when to use a energy vial you can set the timer between 1 second - 2 mins i think
Post by: Sinister on August 7, 2004 10:45 am CDT
Quote from: "neil"
geez who would care anyways...

its on deus chat already... everytime your MP reaches bellow 100% a timer starts when to use a energy vial you can set the timer between 1 second - 2 mins i think

I care, that's why.  I want to put specific scripts on my website and for my personal use.  If you dont have anything important to say, then don't post!