Particle's Custom RPG

PCRPG Development => Development => Topic started by: Newbie on December 22, 2003 01:18 am CST

Title: Ideas, ideas.
Post by: Newbie on December 22, 2003 01:18 am CST
Just a few ideas I think would make the server a little more interesting and realistic.

First I think #global should be done away with.. that or make it so that the command requires alot of speech skill, such as 600 SP in speech. With #global tRPG is nothing more than a glorified chatroom. Then #zone should require 400 speech. (Or whatever you think is suitable Particle) Of course #tell will remain.

Next if these speech commands are going to be done away with or restricted other commands should take their place such as #say.. the radius for #say should be increased to about the size of the zone Jaten and the radius for #shout should definately be increased to about the size of Ktown. Next, a new command should be made called #yell this speech command can reach from Ethren all the way to the Minotaur lair teleportal.

Ok.. also, I would like to see the rank points given when joining a house increased. No one wants to join a house and risk getting pked by players constantly if they only start off with 4 rank points. (4 rank points = 4%)
I believe that when joining a house a player should recieve 20 rank points. (Or whatever Particle feels is suitable)

Just some ideas running through my head at 2:17 AM.. lol

Do you think some of these changes should be made in an upcoming update?
Post by: LastWish on December 22, 2003 08:55 am CST
I think that ridding the server of  the low global and zone requirements would be cool, but...  (yes, there is always a but) I think since we aren't a role play server, it wouldn't be the best idea.  Maybe if we converted to RP, that would be awesome!  We would have to have some pretty big server changes though, such as the addition of the Merchant class, and a miner class, etc..  I do think that it would be an excellent change if Particle ever decided to do something radical =)  There are already a few people right now that are role playing in the server, and what do ya know..  so far everyone loves them.

To sum it up,  the speech thing could work but it would better suit a roleplay server.  I'm willing to give it a try for a week or two though, just to see how it works--I'm sure it could be arranged with particle!

I agree on the rank points idea, nobody will join houses right now because of a few PKers.  If they had incentive to join a house, I'm sure more people would..  I think 25 sp would be a good starting point.
Post by: Paradox666 on December 24, 2003 08:08 pm CST
So far So good, So far So good, So far So good.............. :roll:
Post by: Newbie on December 24, 2003 08:13 pm CST
Quote from: "Paradox666"
So far So good, So far So good, So far So good.............. :roll:

Title: Re: Ideas, ideas.
Post by: -eViL- on December 24, 2003 08:42 pm CST
Quote from: "Newbie"
Do you think some of these changes should be made in an upcoming update?

update?  why do you people even bother?  the real truth of it all is that Particle has a working and complete copy of the new mod, he just for some reason fails to utilize it.  screw the small updates, bring out the big stuff.  ya know, take your head outta your ass and realize that much of it.  Particle will keep giving you small updates just to keep you interested, but the real deal is still behind door #2 and no one has unlocked it yet.
Post by: Newbie on December 24, 2003 08:46 pm CST
Take my head out of my ass? I was just contributing an idea for the forking forum.. When I posted this I knew good and well that Particle would most likely never even read this damn thread.
Post by: Nitelthrome on December 30, 2003 08:15 pm CST
Your speech idea is just forked up.
Post by: Newbie on December 30, 2003 09:11 pm CST
Quote from: "Nitelthrome"
Your speech idea is just fragglewert up.

Do you mind explaining yourself?

It's called Tribes-Role-Playing-Game for a reason.. and with everyone talking in #global it doesn't seem much like an RPG at all.

Like I said.. with #global tRPG is nothing more than a glorified chatroom..

If you find fault in my idea then please.. explain why.
Post by: -eViL- on December 30, 2003 09:15 pm CST
hey newbie, just to expand on the speech idea.  why not make it so #shout could reach all ends of a current zone or make the radius large enough that people could hear it from a good distance if they aren't in a zone, similar to #zone, just not as annoying.  and then the further away from the person you are, the more jumbled the actual message is when it gets to you.  hence a reason to use #zone or to try to use it, it would clearly give everyone in the zone the message.  do a similar for #say, just make the radius not as large...
Post by: Nitelthrome on December 31, 2003 08:09 am CST
Sorry for being so flat, Newbie.

Maybe on a busy server like Particle's, the average speech skill is like 900, but I've never thought of trpg as a chatroom at all. Or even that a lot of people talk. I'm used to playing on servers where 10 people on a Saturday night is average.
Post by: -eViL- on December 31, 2003 12:30 pm CST
newbie, the biggest flaw to your entire speach though is the fact that TribesRPG may say its an RPG game, but its more of a "lets go afk and let the computer kill malarkey" type of game.  if it were a true RPG game, then i would agree with you on some of those, but its not.
Post by: Particle on January 4, 2004 11:45 am CST
Nobody'd play more than a few weeks without global, probably.
Post by: -eViL- on January 4, 2004 01:11 pm CST
i know about 5 people that would be on more if there was no global period.
Post by: Silvanoshei on January 4, 2004 02:03 pm CST
Why don't they just turn the 'ignore global' feature on?
Post by: RaDaZoNiC on January 4, 2004 03:41 pm CST
wha if u wanna hear ur friends in global and not jus a bunch newbs fighting and starting crap tough i agree with the global rule to good idea!
Post by: -eViL- on January 4, 2004 03:44 pm CST
what they need is a #tell with multiple recipients feature.  like #tell pecker lastwish ozzy particle, hello. sort of thing, that would be handy sometimes, then it would be worth turning on global ignore because you could still chat with the people that you actually care to chat with without the annoying global bull and without having to go through adding everyone to group or party and using those.
Post by: UnderGod on January 4, 2004 05:42 pm CST
But unless they tell that person back, they are stuck out of the convo.

You might #tell Ozzy, Pecker, Lastwish

Where I would #tell eViL, Pecker

Mainly because I don't know who you are talking to, That is unless it said who you sent it to.

It is still too much of a pain in the ass to keep up with.

Just use #group, and keep the people you want to talk to on it..

A nice idea would to actually clear everyone's group list everytime they disconnect.
Post by: Silvanoshei on January 4, 2004 06:29 pm CST
OldWorld had a good system. Have a group or buddy list set as a command system. For example...

#buddy [person name]
Would add that person to your buddy list, regardless if that character was online or not, and regardless if that player even had a character name. #buddy'ing a name that was already on your list would remove that person. Simpy saying #buddy would pull up your list in a box, similar to the box that contains your stats on call.

A system like this removes the hassle of navigating your tab menu, and allows you to edit your entire list even when none of your buddies are online. It's a much cleaner system, to say the least.