Particle's Custom RPG

General => Common Topic Symposium => Topic started by: Newbie on July 25, 2003 07:26 pm CDT

Title: Trance/techno
Post by: Newbie on July 25, 2003 07:26 pm CDT
Anyone know of a good way to get some (hard)trance?

I here all these great songs on streaming radio stations, but then when I try to download some of them on Kazza I can never find them, all Kazza has in mainstream malarkey.  :|
Post by: Darwin on July 25, 2003 07:29 pm CDT
Most likely off mIRC.  Im sure they have a group for techno junkies.
Post by: UnderGod on July 25, 2003 07:30 pm CDT
The feds will never stop the IRC black market..
Post by: -Triton- on July 25, 2003 07:32 pm CDT
DJ Aubrey, DJ Icey, Kai Tracid,  DJ Baby Ann.. Those are my favorite, found on kazaa. You just have to search either Techno, trance, DJ and it will usually pop up alot of stuff...
Post by: xkenshinx on July 25, 2003 07:45 pm CDT
Kai Tracid - Trance and Acid (my name on msn for awhile)

anywho... get a streamripper

downloads while u listen to the radio :P

post some of your techno/trance... etc...  stations
Post by: -RPG-secretagnt on July 25, 2003 08:00 pm CDT
Damn... you guys are so new to electronica I can hardly stand it.
Post by: -Triton- on July 25, 2003 08:20 pm CDT
new to eletronica... How so?
Post by: G-Unit on July 25, 2003 08:43 pm CDT
Or Pussymusic as i like to call it. Bunch'a squeekie sounds, not my thing!
Post by: LastWish on July 25, 2003 08:46 pm CDT
Get soulseek--all the underground stuff is on it. (  search for soulseek, its a download client.
Post by: xkenshinx on July 25, 2003 10:36 pm CDT
Quote from: "-Triton-"
new to eletronica... How so?

hes refering to our/your choice of dj's i would assume

its funny... that u would call techno/trance.... etc.... pussy music....g-unit since its always chosen in fight scenes..

if i was in a fight... i would always want techno to all of a sudden come on
(just like in all the good fight movies.... matrix/blade..... u get the point)

and if you got your name off the ghey 50cent group... u do know you're a white boi right? and u do know 50cent is a lil unsavory woman... who whines about getting shot all the time... right? plus his music is complete malarkey... i dunno what dre or eminem were smoking when they got that guy.... but he can't rap or sing worth malarkey
Post by: Darwin on July 25, 2003 11:17 pm CDT (
Post by: G-Unit on July 26, 2003 12:13 am CDT
i dunno what dre or eminem were smoking when they got that guy.... but he can't rap or sing worth shizzle[/quote]

Thats why your poor and play tribes and has a malarkeyty ghey avatar and he is a millionaire
Post by: Darwin on July 26, 2003 12:24 am CDT
So its the avatar that makes the man?

(http:// (http:// (http://

That makes you a pedofile, i guess.
Post by: LastWish on July 26, 2003 01:35 am CDT
Post by: xkenshinx on July 26, 2003 01:52 am CDT
shame..... lol

hmmmm i don't play tribes...

its funny... he has a black guy who turned white... as his avatar

and g-unit is a white guy.... who wants to be black

Post by: Particle on July 26, 2003 02:24 am CDT
Yes, I know I'm not a serious techno person (I only listen to a few songs on occasion in that category).  I like some Paul Oakenfield.  There's one song that is 41 minutes and 17 seconds long of his that I really like.  Unfortunately, I don't know the real name.  It's labeled "drunk at club midnight".

Really good stuff.  If anybody knows of more music like that song, I'd love to know about it!
Post by: Newbie on July 26, 2003 05:16 am CDT
Rofl, this has to be the most entertaining flaming of G-unit I've seen..

You guys should listen to some of the channels here (

If the avatar makes the man, then mine says it all  :)
Post by: LastWish on July 26, 2003 06:58 am CDT
If you happen to find the title of that song, I would be interested Particle--I'll give it a listen and then find everything I have that has the same style.  I like PO too ;)
Post by: xkenshinx on July 26, 2003 11:38 am CDT
Quote from: "Particle"
I like some Paul Oakenfield.

how can anyone not like some Paul Oakenfold.... :P i have trouble remembering electronica artists names... the only other artists that comes to mind are Sasha, Digweed... and Infected Mushroom

i listen to alot more.. but i just can' think of any names off the top of my head

also alot of the trance i get never has real names... like one of my favorite songs by Oakenfold.. is just labeled TECHNO HARD( i think the real name of the song is...... This Is Trance)

I also like mainstreem electronica though... stuff like DJ Sammy... Milk Ink.. ATB lol...

is there any mainstreem electronica without vocals? seriously.... is that even possible?
Post by: Newbie on July 26, 2003 06:34 pm CDT
Quote from: "xkenshinx"
is there any mainstreem electronica without vocals? seriously.... is that even possible?

Maybe not mainstream.. but there's plenty of underground trance without vocals.

Somtimes the vocals can be a little to corny for me.. lol
Post by: -RPG-secretagnt on July 26, 2003 07:08 pm CDT
Underground trance...  :roll: