Particle's Custom RPG

General => Common Topic Symposium => Topic started by: remote-control on October 25, 2003 04:49 pm CDT

Title: so i guess IS is gone forever?
Post by: remote-control on October 25, 2003 04:49 pm CDT
no one ever told me what happened to the site.. and to everyone.. is there a new forums they all flocked to? any new sites? why did it all of a sudden stop.. there were alot of people looking forward to it.. no matter how long it took..
Post by: Particle on October 25, 2003 05:40 pm CDT
A lot of them came here, actually.  A lot of people have known for over a year that IS would never be completed.  No surprise, actually.
Post by: Newbie on October 25, 2003 05:41 pm CDT
IS = Ctrl C  &  Ctrl V
Post by: Particle on October 25, 2003 05:44 pm CDT
There is little interest left in the T2 community nowadays.  That's why I'm skipping it and planning PCRPG for T:V instead.  It was going to be UT2K3, but T:V will be much more suited toward my needs for an RPG and will carry the normal Tribes community that would appreciate an RPG mod.

I've got some people willing to help me out--people that actually do work.  You can thank CIoud for the roster.  =)  IS lacked leadership and motivation, and it died from it.
Post by: LastWish on October 25, 2003 07:21 pm CDT
Awesome, PCRPG for T:V  =)

I can't wait--if you need any help with it (ideas, etc..) let me know!  I would be extraordinarily ecstatic to be able to help out! ^_^