Particle's Custom RPG

General => Common Topic Symposium => Topic started by: Nittmo on May 2, 2004 12:36 am CDT

Title: Interesting twist on Chess
Post by: Nittmo on May 2, 2004 12:36 am CDT
I found this, it might interest Chess-style-RTS Fans.
Its requires Flash, though.
Post by: WolfTones on May 2, 2004 06:46 pm CDT
I can't play chess!  :oops:
Post by: Silvanoshei on May 2, 2004 06:57 pm CDT
Uh... That's turn-based, not real-time. Quite different.
Post by: Nittmo on May 2, 2004 10:01 pm CDT
Quote from: "Silvanoshei"
Uh... That's turn-based, not real-time. Quite different.

What do you call it? I only called it Chess-style-RTS for lack of a better discription
Post by: KoRo on May 2, 2004 11:50 pm CDT
regular chess is turn based  :?
Post by: Silvanoshei on May 3, 2004 02:59 pm CDT
Quote from: "Nittmo"
Quote from: "Silvanoshei"
Uh... That's turn-based, not real-time. Quite different.
What do you call it? I only called it Chess-style-RTS for lack of a better discription

I call it turn-based. Duh?
Post by: Lidge Farkley on May 3, 2004 11:02 pm CDT
I think he means that it is a "chess style", as in turn based, but "real time strategy" in that it is played over the internet and there may be several real time strategy moves to make.  It looks like he just isn't accustomed to the proper terminology though.

Proper terms:
Your Chess-Style = Turn Based Strategy  (TBS)
Star Craft = Real Time Strategy  (RTS)

Post by: WolfTones on May 4, 2004 08:28 am CDT
He knows what he means. Silvanoshei just has to show everyone how ignorant he is.
Post by: Hollywood on May 4, 2004 07:55 pm CDT
Quote from: "WolfTones"
He knows what he means. Silvanoshei just has to show everyone how ignorant he is.

Look up the definition of a word before you try to use it, especially in an insult. :roll:
Post by: Jonah on May 4, 2004 08:52 pm CDT

Quote from: "WolfTones"
0wned :P
Post by: BlAcK-IcE on May 4, 2004 09:27 pm CDT
I second that.
Post by: UnderGod on May 4, 2004 10:02 pm CDT
Chess is turn based.. You do have time to take your turn no matter how much time.. Your opponent doesn't move at the same time as you. It is turn based.

RTS is very different.

RTS is using strategy without being able to "pause" the game to give you time to think.
Post by: Lidge Farkley on May 5, 2004 03:45 pm CDT
Quote from: "UnderGod"
Chess is turn based.. You do have time to take your turn no matter how much time.. Your opponent doesn't move at the same time as you. It is turn based.

RTS is very different.

RTS is using strategy without being able to "pause" the game to give you time to think.

I was going to say this... but then I considered Baulders Gate.  It is both in a way... so I decided he just needed all that extra information to get it all... I should have mentioned BG in there... even though I never really played it, just watched a bit.
Post by: UnderGod on May 6, 2004 10:21 am CDT
In beginner mode, BG and BG2 can be considered slightly turn based because of their pause ability.

However, if you actually play the game to have a challange, then you keep it unpaused.