Particle's Custom RPG

Assistance => Assistance & Feedback => Topic started by: Sinister on November 18, 2004 02:38 am CST

Title: Code help
Post by: Sinister on November 18, 2004 02:38 am CST
Why does this not work?

Code: [Select]
// Person Tracker
%personreceived = Match::String(%msg, "[*] * \"*\"");
if (%personreceived) {
%personzone = Match::Result(0);
%personperson = Match::Result(1);
%personmsg = Match::Result(2);

if (String::FindSubStr(%personmsg, "where is *") != -1) {
remoteEval(2048, fetchData, "zonedesc");
say(0, "#trackperson " @ %personperson);
$LookinForPerson = "1";
schedule("$LookinForPerson = \"\";", 3);
} // end if

} // end if

%noperson = Match::String(%msg, "You have no idea where * could be.");
if (%noperson && $LookinForPerson == "1") {
$nopersonperson = Match::Result(0);
schedule("say(0, \"#tell \" @ $nopersonperson @ \", Sorry, but I cant track that person for you right now.\");", 1.1);
$LookinForPerson = "";
} // end if

%gotperson = Match::String(%msg, "You sense that * is * of here, * meters away.");
if (%gotperson && $LookinForPerson == "1") {
$gotpersonperson = Match::Result(0);
$direction = Match::Result(1);
$distance = Match::Result(2);
$town = $RPGdata[zonedesc];
schedule("say(0, \"#tell \" @ $gotpersonperson @ \", I am tracking \" @ $%user @ \"! He is \" @ $distance @ \" meters \" @ $direction @ \" of where I am (\" @ $town @ \"). Good luck.\");", 1.1);
$LookinForPack = "";
} // end if
Post by: -eViL- on November 18, 2004 05:29 pm CST
missing a lot of " 's.
Post by: Sinister on November 18, 2004 06:54 pm CST
Ok, ill look further into it tonight when i get home.  Thanks.