Particle's Custom RPG

General => Common Topic Symposium => Topic started by: Master on July 21, 2012 11:47 pm CDT

Title: Tips for miners
Post by: Master on July 21, 2012 11:47 pm CDT
I think many guys are already knew this.

Auto store gems while you are auto mining.

first. you need DeusRPG pack and Taurik's script pack.

second. follow these steps.

// For autostoring gems while mining. Needs hooks into DeusSkillTraining.cs to work.
// The examples show the code surrounding the changes so you know what it should look like.
// To Install:
// 1. Open Tribes\Config\DeusRpgPack\DeusSkillTraining.cs
// 2. Search for this line: "if(%opt == "old")"
// 3. Right above that line put if($StoreGems == 1) CD::StoreGems();
// Example:    $MiningMove = 1;
//      $Xin_::MineWatch = 0;
//      $Xin_::MoveCount = 0;
//      if($StoreGems == 1) CD::StoreGems();
//      if(%opt == "old")
//         Mining::Movement();
//      else
//         Xin_::AutoMine();
// 4. Search for this line: "Client::centerPrint("<jc><f0>Auto Mining <f1>stopped", 1)"
// 5. Right above that line put: CD::StoreGemsStop();
// Example:   Schedule("DeusRPG::StopMoving();", 6);
//      Schedule::Cancel(MineMover);
//      postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 1);
//      CD::StoreGemsStop();
//      Client::centerPrint("<jc><f0>Auto Mining <f1>stopped", 1);
//      Schedule("Client::centerPrint(\"\", 1);", 4);
// 6. Make sure $StoreGems == 1; at the top of this script. Save the file.

this tip is from cdfunk.cs

another tip.
to use other weapons(like Thorr's Hammer or Der Oberhammer(tm) ) when you run auto mine. your DeusSkillTraining.cs
2.find this line function DeusRPG::CheckForPickAxe() {
3.make this line
   else if(getItemCount("Weapon name"))
      use("Weapon name");


function DeusRPG::CheckForPickAxe() {
   if(getItemCount("Hammer Pick")) //Check for a mining tool
      use("Hammer Pick");
   else if(getItemCount("Pick Axe"))
      use("Pick Axe");
   else if(getItemCount("Rusty Pick Axe"))
      use("Rusty Pick Axe");
   else if(getItemCount("Thorr's Hammer"))
      use("Thorr's Hammer");
   else if(getItemCount("Der Oberhammer(tm)"))
      use("Der Oberhammer(tm)");
   else {

4. go mining.
Title: Re: Tips for miners
Post by: Toby on July 26, 2012 07:34 pm CDT
I use Ober hammer and autobash :)
Title: Re: Tips for miners
Post by: Toby on July 26, 2012 07:34 pm CDT
wait I think i use Thorr's hammer.. hell idk. i can kill people with pickaxe >.>
Title: Re: Tips for miners
Post by: Master on July 31, 2012 11:14 am CDT
lol thats nice