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Off-The-Wall (OTW) / Re: Guess who is BIZZZACK
« Last post by ShortStuff102 on August 25, 2015 11:52 pm CDT »
is there any activity
im back online now
Assistance & Feedback / Re: Password Request
« Last post by Vivaxx on August 22, 2015 03:51 pm CDT »
I would PM Particle or e-mail him.
Assistance & Feedback / Password Request
« Last post by Avast on August 21, 2015 02:38 am CDT »
is this where i post this?
Common Topic Symposium / Tribes is still alive!
« Last post by KoRo on August 13, 2015 12:23 am CDT »
Today I found out that there's a reddit community (/r/Tribes) with over 10,000 members which organizes tournaments and pick-up-games of all versions of Tribes. There's a tourney coming up in a week and figured you guys might be interested in joining for a jaunt around the old neighborhood.......well, city, I guess.

Some of them haven't even heard of TRPG :O

Look here for more info
Common Topic Symposium / Re: Weird connectivity issues (been going on for a few years)
« Last post by KoRo on August 13, 2015 12:21 am CDT »
Narrowed it down a little. I think it has to do with the fact that I use a shortcut with ".... +connect" in the Target box. Using it twice in a row seems to make the server think I'm the same character connecting twice, rather than two separate characters.
Common Topic Symposium / Weird connectivity issues (been going on for a few years)
« Last post by KoRo on August 12, 2015 04:56 pm CDT »
I meant to bring this up a long, long, looooong time ago but I never made the effort.

Sometimes, and for seemingly no reason, I find that I can't connect to the server with a character after being disconnected/dropped. It usually happens with Caboose, and it only seems to happen when I'm playing two players (SIayer and Caboose) simultaneously. I'm given the

"An error was encountered while loading your character:  This character name has already been selected by someone else on this server, or you are using an incorrect profile password. Change your password in "Other info" in your profile."

error, and I don't know why. It's as, when disconnected, the server thinks that I'm not who I say I am. Or something.

Any speculation as to why this may be?
Off-The-Wall (OTW) / Re: Guess who is BIZZZACK
« Last post by KoRo on August 12, 2015 01:23 pm CDT »
Still here. On and off- currently on while I wait for grad school to start.
Off-The-Wall (OTW) / Re: Just saying hi
« Last post by KoRo on August 12, 2015 01:22 pm CDT »
Philly is the worst. You forking assholes killed HitchBot.
Off-The-Wall (OTW) / Re: Just saying hi
« Last post by IceCube on June 27, 2015 03:23 pm CDT »
Philly is sketchy as it is haha.
Common Topic Symposium / Re: Project G3
« Last post by ShortStuff102 on May 18, 2015 11:39 pm CDT »
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