(Vorters funny, but I don't think he realizes I'm changing scripts.vol not making a quest script)
Well, I like how rpgmap1 is set up, where there is wide open area just across a hill from another wide open area. Map5 has that too, but not as close.
As for players runnning away from bots and bots being left there could be a easy way to rig that so its not as bad and a hard way.
Easy: Make a quest script for the server that has a list of #kill TravellingMarauder0 -50 and then schedule that every 15 minutes. But that would enterrupt players fighting them...Though I don't thing it would be as annoying as the lagg.
Hard:Write a code that kills an bot not in a zone that runs every 15 minutes. Also interrupts players, but I can't think of another way. (Would have to be turned off for quests though, Or making a large Questing Zone...)
P.S. - Remember the code that zone checks and kills all the bots in a zone, if there were no players in the zone? Would the zonecheck include unkown?
Thanks for the consideration, this is looking like a lot of work now.