Hey back with some new stuff. I've learned a lot lately and now i'm hitting a new problem... I can't reproduce the results of what the RPG game does and what i do in a seperate file. If you looked at the code for #getclientid command youll notice this
if(%w1 == "#getclientid")
if(%clientToServerAdminLevel >= 1)
if(%cropped != -1)
------->%id = NEWgetClientByName(%cropped);<------
if(floor(%id.adminLevel) >= floor(%clientToServerAdminLevel) && Client::getName(%id) != %senderName)
Client::sendMessage(%TrueClientId, 0, "Could not process command: Target admin clearance level too high.");
else if(%id != -1)
Client::sendMessage(%TrueClientId, 0, %cropped @ " clientId is " @ %id @ ".");
Client::sendMessage(%TrueClientId, 0, "Invalid player name.");
Client::sendMessage(%TrueClientId, 0, "Please specify player name.");
If you look at the thing inbetween the -------> <--------- if you make the connections by the time you have this working
function test2()
%id = newgetclientbyname(BotsName);
say(0, "#global Target id is " @ %id @ ".");
you should have it say its id like 2048 is your own id... but i keep getting a -1 and when i do my own name rather than a bot i create i get my 2048... i don't understand. i need a way so i can grab a bot's id i create and use it in dfining a location for stuff i can already get the coordinates successfully just need that thing up there to work. Please help