The old card game?
What edditions are we talking about here?
I played with:
a few dark cards
a few 4th editions cards (my last couple months)
a few fallen empires (cause damn a pack of 15 for 10-25 cents was cheap!)
I also had some of those... "legends" cards, but I wasn't sure if that was their actual name... they had the little broken looking column symbol on them.
Anyway... I played Blue and White... a theoretically good combination but with the new editions it proved less than stellar, especially vs red and black... curse you red and black players, for those are the most wussified colors of magic! ;-)
Well.. it was fun for a couple years, but I starte dto realise how much time and money I was spending on a simple card game that was allways requiring more money to keep updated on editions... and I wasn't interested in learning the info about 150 new cards every 6 months.
I sold all of my cards (street value at the time of more than 500$ if sold properly) to a friend of mine for 100$.
He took them down to Berkeley and re-sold the ones he was not interested in, and kept the 10-20 he had been bugging for me to sell/trade to him for the past year or two. He made 300$ on the ones he could sell, after the 100 he had initially paid to me, and got all the cards he wanted. Good riddance.... I would still be playing that acursed card game if it wasn't for him! :-)