Here are the ones I have.. drops packs from the sky outside of ktown with lck/sp/coins/lck (wrriten by gladiostricto)
Water and Water2 are the same, one is updated but I forgot which it is. Also written by GladioStricto (and aphex I think) It spawns a yolanda, and you put everyone inside it, and it disappears and there is a pond type thing with packs under it. everyone runs around and grabs them (they cant see them, so they just run around)
jatenquest turns jaten into a fortress, and everyone defends it against waves of monsters, I wrote that one
ethren quest is the same concept, except it fils ethren with monsters and the people have to siege it (you gotta change name to your admin name in there), I wrote that one
packquest spawns a line of packs outside ktown with stuff in them (easy to edit stuff in them) I didnt write this one, susan did
jumpquest is the same as packquest, except it setvelocities everyone who gets packs (Was a joke a while ago)
walkway and delwalkway spawns a bridge to the dust house, not sure who wrote it
sniperpractice spawns 3 runts at jaten, gives a notice that they will fly in 5 seconds, then launches them.. its all player controlled by a bot. player just has to say pull to the snipertrainer bot. Each runt says the name of who killed them in global, so you can make a game out of it. I wrote that one.
teleporter enables you to teleport everyone to your location by calling 1 function.. gladio had it in one of his quests, but I took it out and made it a standalone thing so you can use it whenever.
the rest are things that kat wrote for prizes, and stuff like that.
Enjoi ;P