I LOST MY PW FOR THE SERVER!!!i got a new comp over the summer, and basically connected to my old monitor and the old comp is just sitting around. i tried to get the pw back from the old comp but it cant run tribes since the reg for it thinks i have a vga montior (640*480@60Hz@16 colors) and it always told me i need my desktop to run at 256 colors.. if its possible for somoene to tell me how i can fix my monitor problem or someone to email my pw thats great, thx
EDIT: name is DarkNightMares
EDIT #2: i could do this on my own but #1, i got school taking 3 AP courses and HW ON THE FIRST DAY!!!!! QUIZ ON THE SECOND.....
ok #2 im 2 lazy and dont wanna do anything xcept write my own code and stuff or if anyone's near, play outside (trust me its fun outside) #3, i don wanna fuk my old comp up like the new 1 because i already tried to tweak my geforce4's drivers and had to reformatt
so plz help...