If you don't play on the server anymore or have no idea what IRC is, please ignore this post.
PCRPG now has an IRC channel which is synced to the game server. You can send and receive messages from the Tribes server, but in order to send them, you need to be registered/identified with NickServ and the game server. URL:
http://www.linneberg.com/rpgircTo register:
1. Connect to the IRC channel with the java applet (or a program like mIRC, DNIRC, or Trillian)
2. Type
/nickserv register password e-mail (where password is a password you'd like to use, and e-mail is your e-mail) **Only needs to be done once**
3. Join PCRPG's game server with your character and type
allow IRC in #global. **Only needs to be done once**
4. Then, to authenticate yourself, just type
/nickserv identify password in the irc channel, with password being the password you chose in step 2. **Needs to be done once per IRC session**