I've got a full installer that installs Tribes, updates it to 1.11, installs TRPG 5.005, includes a beta (non-functional) version of the PCRPG Launcher, will direct a newbie to a TRPG guide if desired, and makes shortcuts for you. It just isn't a publicly listed download:
http://downloads.pcrpg.org/trpg5005wtribesfullinst.exeI could make a TRPG-only variant (smaller), but this was intended to make it a breeze for newcomers with no knowledge of what to do.
Requires .NET 2.0 Framework to run/install.
I have no problem with swearing, since I try not to let myself be offended by mere words. I don't find language offensive, just the thoughts behind it some times. I know this is an uncommon attitude and many of the people on the server are younger, so I let the admins regulate swearing as they each see fit. They know the people on the server better than I do at any given time, so I trust their individual judgement of what is best for the active population on the whole.
You have to be careful about modifying the setup package released by Sierra. It may violate the terms of the agreement of the version of Tribes they released for free. That's why I do it the way I do in my installer.