Author Topic: Straighten Up Folks - (1 Day Left)  (Read 1575 times)

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    • Particle's Custom RPG
Straighten Up Folks - (1 Day Left)
« on: March 13, 2003 10:48 pm CST »
If you don't start getting along both on the server and on these forums, I'm going to start dishing out bans.

This place IS NOT FOR CONSTANT FLAMING.  If that's all you're going to do, leave.  I don't care who you are.  If you're going to start playing nice, feel free to stay.

One week people.  One week to turn around or I'll start being much more strict about the forums and find about a dozen server nazis whose sole purpose is to enforce the rules as they're written.

If you some how manage to solve your own problems within one week (ending Friday, March 21, 2003) then all will remain as is when it comes to rule enforcement.  Fail, and you know very well what'll happen.  I'm tired of this BS.  I'm not paying for you all to attack each other.  This is supposed to be a community, not a unsavory woman bin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Particle »
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.