I would like help making a extremely simple script
which lets you get a pop-up of text that is whatever
you want it to be, you can't edit the text in-game
but you add text in the script file its-self
I want to quickly get referance to spells names I'll
copy the Spells list you have in the Documentation
Forum and paste it in the script, so when I hit
Control-L I'll get a hud that'll give me that info
And I hit Control-L Again to get it off my screen.
If possible make it scrollable (I keep my resolution
down low.)
Another thing which I'm sure is not possible because
if it was it would be done many times over, make
links on the hud linking to other pages.
All I need is maybe some code that I can copy and paste, or a good Tribes scripting Tutorial
Hope I wasn't too "wordy" I double spaced and seperated sentances to help (hop it didn't make it worse