Boxing, maybe most of the server. Grappling, most of the server, but would lose to the "big guys" such as ozzy
1, It's not how well you can fight outside the ring, My friends used to say they were soo tough on the street, that might have been the case, but when i took them to boxing and gave them 3 or 4 weeks to train, i would get up and spar with them, all i would have to do is flick my fist in their face whenever i felt like it, It's EXPERENCE, not size.
2, I would like to think that you could stick Ozzys' head up his ass in about 2 seconds, (in a street fight) (No offence to ozzy but he is 16 years old.) Evil i'v seen your pics, your a huge guy, if you really are 6'11 then you should have the weight to throw allmost anyone in here around. Especially 16 year olds.