I would'nt ask particle to do so because, quite frankly, its not worth his time, but if he did , he would post a log identical to what lastwish said and show that you didnt loose any rank points or your house, or any luck, except that which came from being #killed.
I would go off and say i kicked you because you killed 15 people and were crashing the server, but pulling random crap out of my ass doesnt come naturally to me. As far as you calling Particle weak and pathetic, him 'not taking charge' is what allows you to keep playing. His patience in allowing people who pride themselves of their immaturity, to keep playing is why they are still around.
If you act like an ass, expect to be treated like one.
If a true poll were taken, you'd find probably 75% of the people that dislike me as admin , dislike me because i didnt fell them when they were too lazy, or i didnt give them free levels or items. The other 25% is people who blatently break the rules, and expect to get a warning, and a reminder not to do it again.
And wolftones, if you weren't such a child people might take you seriously. You make these posts with rediculous amounts of crap, for the sake of getting some amusement out of the flame topic that ensues. Of that entire post, if i spent the time to do so, i probably would only find 3 or 4 words or phrases that were the truth, and thats counting 'this guy'. And if you think this response is for you, don't be so full of yourself, its for everyone else.