No that was me. Why don't you just call him Celtic. He is Celtic. Are you too stun to realize it? Each sentence has a !. He just acts totally like him. Or he's getting his friend to post it for him.
I'm starting to hate Celtic again, it was fun because we all hated Aphex and you, but like it got dumb. I'm pretty neutral. Celtic, stop hiding. You got me, and some others to post pictures of Particle, and stuff. I even edited my posts sometimes to make it look like Celtic did it. I was a fool to actually go threw with it.
Oh, and if you didn't already know. Frantic is Jonah.
Celtic never really "hacked" your website. He just got people like Jonah, and me to -edit- our posts. So you can unlock the other forums now. No point, unless he does the mass porno spam again.