It's finally out and has a patch. Unfortunately, it sucks more than 2003 did. Here's my short, quick story.
My machine runs 3D Mark 2001 just fine. It runs Quake 3 fine. It runs UT2004 and Half-Life fine. It can run GL Quake and Doom 3. Max Payne isn't a problem and neither is Rise of Nations. Homeworld 2 runs, as does Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2.
However, for a long time now...I can't run 3D Mark 2003. It just quits to desktop at the first test. The demo mode runs fine, but not the benchmark. 3D Mark 2005 reboots my machine after the splash screen is ready to go away. If you folks have wondered why I don't post anything but a 3D Mark 2001 score, this is why.
For some reason, my machine is "improperly configured." BAH! If it can run every program that I've ever come across--DX7/8/9, OpenGL, or 2D then it isn't MY machine's fault. It's the forking retards that write the code for THEIR program. If there's an issue, my hardware isn't to blame. Similarly, if somebody made a new measurement system and made bolts based on that and his bolts didn't fit some cars while every other bolt of substitution did, it would be that guy's fault--not that particular car manufacturer's.
Futuremark is pathetic. I hope it burns down along with every single copy of the programs they make