Author Topic: Particle, Please Read  (Read 21432 times)

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Particle, Please Read
« on: October 5, 2002 02:00 pm CDT »
hey particle, my final decisions have been made.  if al and shadowlucky aren't permanently banned and cleared from the server, i am gone, and i cant say that once i leave i will help you with pcrpg 4 anymore, as i will just move onto cs coding and scripting.  its within your power to solve 3/4 of the server's problems by clearing al, and the evidence is all over.

if u are just going to set al back to rl 100, that means exactly nothing, it will take 1 week to get the remorts back, big deal, clear him or dont even bother doing anything.

clearing al has to happen though particle, whether you want it to or not, it has to happen otherwise so many people are going to be leaving your server as soon as i get cleared.  blade and icacer are already lined up, along with a lot of newbs, so its all within your power and your choices as to what happens within the next month, either 3 gods can take control and 1 gets cleared, or 3 gods get cleared and 1 makes everyone leave the server.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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Re: Particle, Please Read
« Reply #1 on: October 5, 2002 03:02 pm CDT »
That's a rather angry message.  You said what Al had done, and I undid that.  You claimed he made a certain number of RL's and RP's off of cheating, so I undid that.  What is left is what you implied to be legitimate.

Before I can act, I need pictures or proof from more than one person.  Hurt me or not, I HAVE to be fair about this.

This is neither the time nor the place for this thread though.  Talk to me on MSN, ICQ, or email me about it.  This is a private matter and we're in a public place.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Particle »
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.