I've provided this service before but few people ever took me up on it.
If you need an image hosted for your signature, avatar, or whatever I will gladly do so. Seriously, it isn't a problem for me. I've got over a terrabyte of transfer per month--it's not going to hurt me, even if you use it on every forum you frequent for the rest of your life.
If you're interested, just email me at the address below with the image attached. Don't zip it or anything, even if you have multiple images you want hosted. Please don't send more than a few megs worth of images in an email, as that takes a long time for me to download (MIME encoding used for email attachments roughly
doubles the size of your picture during transfer!).
Criteria for Avatars (User Images)- Images should be 120x120 or smaller if intended for use on this forum.
- Images should be in JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg), GIF (.gif), or PNG (.png) format.
- Images should not be larger than about 25KB each (including animated GIF files).
- Nothing copyrighted if you don't have permission to use it.
- Nothing pornographic, offensive, or illegal.
- Wedges of cheese are welcome.
Criteria for Signatures (Sig Images)- Images should be 500x150 or smaller if intended for use on this forum.
- Images should be in JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg), GIF (.gif), or PNG (.png) format.
- Images should not be larger than about 100KB each (including animated GIF files).
- Nothing copyrighted if you don't have permission to use it.
- Nothing pornographic, offensive, or illegal.
- I encourage the use of Quake logos, if you're cool enough.
Just email
imagehosting@pcrpg.org with a subject line of "Image Hosting Request", a bit of ass kissery in the body (tell me your nickname you go by, etc [images are renamed according to this]), and attach the images to the message.
I'll try to respond quickly with where you can find a link to your image. It will be hosted at
http://hostpics.pcrpg.org/something. I use av_username# for avatars and sig_username# for signatures, generally.