Author Topic: To Rose.  (Read 7512 times)

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« Reply #15 on: July 1, 2007 01:35 am CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
jam took no damage and lost nada.
The point I was trying to make is that I do lose something. hitting the spike and collecting ores is exactly the same as hitting a bot and collecting direct EXP. I trade the ore for money which in turns go to buy parchment which I trade for dust which I trade for exp. It's a different process with the exact same result.
An attack is a thing which affects harmfully. By shoving me off the spike while I'm trying to level there, you're in effect preventing me from leveling. Given that it's impossible, in any reasonable amount of time, to level at the spike without going afk, it could be argued that shoving players off the spike is similar to zone hoarding. You're preventing those players from leveling. I'm not trying to push that argument, just showing its similarities.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Not asking for special treatment and privilages, just to be treated fairly rather then have you attacking and overmugging me at every opportunity.
Here you are again accusing me of breaking rules. I'll give up admin if it can ever be shown that I've ever over-mugged you. It's never happened. And never have I done it at 'every opportunity.' I can count on my fingers (I have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs) the number of times I've mugged you.
This is the main issue I have with you: you make many baseless accusations against me. You talk of treating others with respect; where's the respect in making stuff like this up? Don't be a hypocrite.
I'm not asking you to stop shoving me from the spike or Uber (I ask players to shove me or fell me out of uber if I'm afk and over 101). I'm asking you to stop making stuff up.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I downloaded all of the duess stuff here and have not seen anything that auto takes ss.
It's on Taurik's

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I have only ever treated you with dignity and respect and tried to be freands. It appears I am the only one with this desire to get along.
I never had spoken to you or formed any opinion of you before you shoved me from the spike. After you did, I did what I'd do to all who've done similar to me: either mug a few items or kill a couple of times. As you're obviously out of my range, I opted for the former and mugged you a couple of times (once in Elven, once in Jaten), and always within legal limits. At the time, you stated that the reason you shoved me off in the first place was because I had been ceaselessly following you to various zones mugging you. Now, in this forum, you've admitted that it actually began at the point you shoved me off the spike. Mysteriously, the part where I mug you of all your items in every zone is pushed further up the time line until after you shoved me off.

I'd love to make peace, just stop making stuff up about me. You don't even have to admit you made it up, I'm sure you believe it all happened exactly as you've said. Just stop making up more or start providing some evidence of any of this stuff happening.

Just for a little clarification:
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
The second post referrs to no one except Ozzy. The phrase "at least" in the English Language refers to the person being spoken of. It referrs to the fact that Ozzy treated everyone the same and was in turn was willing to help players out in addition to enforcing the rules to the letter.
"At least" is a comparison. You're saying "at least" this, and not that. Saying 'at least the cat isn't wet' is actually an incomplete sentence when used on its own because there's no frame of reference. The cat isn't wet, but something else is. The at least actually refers to the subject that you never mentioned, an incomplete thought without a point of reference.
Luckily, as this is a conversation, we do have a point of reference. Two admins were mentioned in this thread prior to that post. We have Rose who the original post was about and whose punishment is questioned. Then we have a reference to Ozzy and his similar punishment.
Let's edit your sentence for proper grammar.
"True" (a reference to what we can safely assume was the previous post. True only makes sense when referring to how Ozzy's punishment 'sucked') "but at least Ozzy enforced the rules and did so evenly and fairly to everyone regardless of who you were, [where as *insert admin/pk name here* did not enforce the rules evenly and fairly]" See, the 'at least' portion of the sentence makes the most sense when used in a complete sentence. Now we just need to figure out who the unmentioned admin/pk is. Given the tense of the original sentence, you could assume that it was a reference to a past pk/admin. But as no other pk/admin has been mentioned within this thread, other than Rose, we have to assume that that was the intended target of comparison. To complete the sentence we find:

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I agree, Ozzy's punishments sucked. Rose does not enforce the rules evenly and fairly regardless of who you are, but at least Ozzy enforced the rules and did so evenly and fairly to everyone regardless of who you were.
There are other, less important issues with the sentence (tense and person, mostly), but I think the main issues are solved.
I make this point mostly because I'm bored and enjoy a good grammatical debate.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
The rules say that a player is allowed to use a second character while one is afk training This training do not nessessarily mean afk leveling/mining clays in uber while the second is overmugging noobs.

Where do the rules say that?
Section 1, Subsection M - Double Logging
New Rule
Double logging has recently been allowed. The characters cannot be used to power level or power rank. In the event of a full server, double logged players should remove one character.
If you are active on one character, the secondary character is considered AFK and will be treated as such. You double log at your own risk.

You emphasize a very specific part of a rule to make a point, but the rule you're quoting and using to make your point is made you. You're probably just mistaken, it happens. I'm just saying, you appear to be mistaken quite often, perhaps without even realizing it.

That is a link to the most recent updates and additions to the rules.

Like I said above, I don't mind making peace. I carry no hatred, I just really really dislike the stuff you say about me. What you're doing is mudslinging. You appear to invent things and post them globally (in server and forum) for all to see with no shred of evidence for any of it. I don't do any of that to you. All I've done is expressed to others my dislike of you and called you stupid and, occasionally, an idiot. It is a very direct insult and very obviously my opinion. On your side, you don't post your opinion, you post lies about me and call it the truth to discredit my character.
I don't even know you, so I can't actually like or dislike 'you,' just the things that you say and do.

I continue this debate because I enjoy a well formed argument and because I'd like you to stop suggesting that I break rules on the server where I do my best to enforce them and provide an enjoyable atmosphere for players to play in.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #16 on: July 1, 2007 02:57 am CDT »
sigh rose you shouldnt even bother answering to evil
evil proves points by using exceptions
thats how stupid people prove that A^2 = B^2 => A = B
evils logic is completely stubborn and frankly speaking that guy seems from another planet

jam took no damage and lost nada.
this is a good example of his retarded logic
WTF! shoving is nothing now?
maybe true if he was somewhere afk not doign anything
but mining is exacly the same as lvlin as you need the money to buy parchments
you only mine to buy parchs not to buy weapons...that could be possible buut you make enough money to buy anything while remorting
shoving can kill and here I would consider it the same
killing of shoving jam are the 2 possibilities to preventing him from lvling
and WTF! mining has to be done not afk?
yeha soo cool watch your screen all day long...
getting to lvl 1500 with just a few hours a week wont do it...sigh
besides accept the consequences , shoving is a form of attacking ,if you want to have fun preventing a player from mining dont complain when he kill you
you can bash a player out of the cavern, sure he wont take much dam (besides a high rl takign a lil bash dam...that doens t matter at all) ,losing nothing? thats okay? yeha sure if you were bashed offmap and come back hoping you remorted you should be grateful to the guy who bashed you out?
bashing deschain out of uber at lvl 50 is the same as shoving or bashing jam out of spike...

and yeah rose is an excellent pk
he is there a lot of time even dough you dont notice it...
a pk or admin wont break the rules they have comon sence
rose overmugged you and killed and overmugged ...then evil comes up with these retarded
conclusions lol, yeah admin delete items...why would an admin need to do that? he has skills at like 2000 at lvl 1 yeah its rly difficult to mug a low asked for the mugging anyways
yeha only 2 kills allowed LOL sure, and wtf even if he had overkilled ,you asked for it

rose is a really good guy, hes tons of times better then me, if you would have shoved me I would have done 10 times worse then what he did...

insulting rose and making false completely retarded assumptions is just useless

actually have nothing against rose. I just want fair treatment. He is not perfect and neither am I. I just want to try to get along with him. I am tired of being the only one who wants that. He is not right and neither am I. As in most cases, it is the grey area in between wherein lies the story.

notihng against rose? you insult him and say he takes advantage of his position, thus making him a liar too, sigh great way of trying getting along
you only ocntinue the bullcrap and come up with more retarded stuff
rose is right and did what pretty much anyone would do when you attack
rose may not be perfect but at least what he says makes sence to us
nto like most of what Evil says...

just drop this malarkey; rose did the right thing , he keeps doing good things, thats why he is admin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by kharandhil »
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« Reply #17 on: July 1, 2007 10:55 am CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Zone hoarding is an ongoing process. For example, I am leveling at the gobbos and you come in and kill a single runt, it is not zone hoarding. and if you were the only one shoved off you would have been targeted. and it would have been a direct attack on you. As you were not targeted, it was obviously even to you, not.
Killing one runt, if you are outside an acceptable range for killing said runt, and a player is trying to level there, is zone hoarding. I have jailed players for it in the past and will continue to do so. It's not a severe as sitting in a zone killing multiple bots, but it is hoarding.
As I've proven, you can't possibly level without going afk at the spike, so as afk is required you could argue that afk rules don't apply to players leveling to 1500. Shoving a player off the spike is in fact preventing them from ongoing process that continually prevents them from leveling until they get back. But afk rules do apply to miners the same as everyone else, so it's not actual jailable hoarding.

If a country decides to bomb Canada, USA, and Mexico, it wasn't a direct attack on any of them? I'm not speaking for the other players you may or may not have shoved off the Spike. I'm speaking for me. You shoved me off, that is an attack. If you want to continue looking at a real world example, the other miners are my friends and allies. You attacked one of my allies and so I went to their aid.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
As you know and I know you overmugged (many more then 2 items in the course of a half hour, I will accept your withdrawel. However there is no actual proof, I will allow you to continue to hide behind the lie and I will continue treating you with respect and dignity just as I will continue being honest and living my life without any sort of hypocracy.
I'm sorry, I had no idea that in your spare time you were God. For only God and myself know what I know. This is another example of what I'm talking about. Do you really think you're 'treating me with respect' by telling me and others what I know? What's your place that you can tell me what I know? Sarcasm aside, you're obviously not God, and you have no place to tell me what I know. This is what we call hypocrisy. "One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he depises." You go on and on about how you respect others when others don't respect you at all. Then you go and do this kind of stuff.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
3. Just as I have said from day one, you started the whole ordeal after I shoved you off of the spike one time.
Quote from: "Tokath"
Tokath: [GLBL] jam "I just want to know why you keep shoving me off the Super Spike"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "but whatever make you sleep better kid keep on"
Tokath: [GLBL] jam "Have I done something to you?"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "chasing me from zone to zone mugging isnt harrassing? lol"
That's you saying that you shoved me because I was harrassing you. For me, it started when you shoved me off the spike. That was the first time I had any actual server contact with you. But in your alternate reality, it started long before that, with me 'chasing you from zone to zone mugging' you.
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
If it will salve your ego, I will apologize for the shove here publicly. (I am sorry for shoving you off of the spike).
I don't care about the shove, I'm just using it as an example of your disrespectfullnes towards me. All I've asked you to do is stop making stuff up about me. I've yet to make anything up about you, please show me anywhere in what I've posted where I've created an entirely fictional event about you.
Mudslinging: "an attempt to discredit one's competitor, opponent, etc., by malicious or scandalous attacks." from
I'm not trying to discredit you, yet you'd do that very thing to me.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I would like for you to stop your mudslinging, petty name calling and hopefully accept the hand which has been extended in freandship from the outset of my first rejoining the server.

I brought the word mudslinging into this...and now you'd turn it around and use it on me? Do you even know what it means? You should by now, I just posted the definition a little higher in this reply.
I'm not trying to discredit you maliciously. I'm trying to discredit you logically. Most of what you say about me is a lie. If it's not an attempt to discredit me, then stop doing it (or at least stop doing it globally).
Where in this have I used petty name calling? I've admitted to having done it in the server, but for me to stop doing something I have to be continuing to do it, and I haven't called you anything but a hypocritical mudslinger lately, and that's not really namecalling: it's the truth. Oh, I think I called you God once, but that was sarcasm.

If it's true that you've 'extended a hand freandship' since you first joined the server, why did you choose to shove me off the spike and start this entire thing? Friends don't shove friends from the spike. You initiated this, I've just been defending my position against your relentless attacks.
« Last Edit: July 1, 2007 01:06 pm CDT by Kyrie »


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« Reply #18 on: July 1, 2007 12:02 pm CDT »
This thread is so long! :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Jeenyus »


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« Reply #19 on: July 1, 2007 01:14 pm CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
If you will notice, my character is most definately not at the god level yet and I do not recall claiming otherwise. If in your alternate reality you feel you are god, so be it just do not get upset when I fail to bow down and worship you. Especially when you claim to tell me what I know and try so hard to convince me of made up stories.
Yes, I said God, didn't I? You said "I know and you know..." That was you telling me what I know which no one other than myself and God can do. By saying that, you're implying that you are God, which is what I stated, sarcastically.
Why do you try so hard to miss the entire point of a post? Where did I claim I was god. You claiming to know what I think is suggesting that you are either God or a mind reader. The former is far more likely than the latter.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I have indeed stopped freands of mine from doing something I felt was wrong. If after that they tell me they will continue to do so, then I allow them to no questions asked but I let them know my feeling on the issue. I have treated you as a freand from the very beginning and will continue to do so hoping that you will cease your relentless attacks on me and start treating me with the same regard I am showing you.
What 'relentless attacks?' What are you talking about? Please explain where I am relentlessly attacking you.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I have tried to express that all of this foolishness is unneeded on both our parts as all of this energy would be far better applied to living our lives or even just playing the game amicably.

Yes, and I've said all I'm asking is that you stop spreading false rumors and making up things to make me look bad.
This sort of thing:
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "he only uses rose to save/boost his own characters"
and this:
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "I am not one of these other guys"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "with god characters boosted by admins"
and this:
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "im guessing most of what I had in storage is now gone"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "easy for admins to delete storage"

Those are the types of things I'm asking you to stop saying. They're false and appear to be an attempt to discredit me in the eyes of the server.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #20 on: July 1, 2007 02:55 pm CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
You claimed to know all and never be wrong on any issue
PLEASE quote the post where I said this.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I notice that you edit the quotes to not show where I immediately retracted that as I relized that you had 5 years to build up. Rather convenient.

From the log, completely unedited:
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "Greetings. what am I helping?"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "lol"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i need kildrinite"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "lol, I have none "
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "lol..."
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Doh!"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "I am not one of these other guys"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "term is trying to say it will cost 20 mil lol"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "with god characters boosted by admins"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "try asking Shannara when she gets on"
Tokath: [SERV] MUGSIES joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "No Problemo."
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "shes a mining god rofl"
Tokath: [GLBL] Giglomesh ""
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "hi"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "whats after broadsword"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Duh."
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "whats after waraxe"
Tokath: [GLBL] Giglomesh "Damnit!"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "thanks"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "whats after mino"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "where is that"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "hmm..."
Tokath: [SERV] Zarteky-Ryoko connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "Tokath define Bored"
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath "TermFighter, What you probably are if you're looking this up.~"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i have gold should i keep it?"
Tokath: [GLBL] DeathAdder "XD"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "yes keep gold"
Tokath: [GLBL] DeathAdder "nith TF"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "No Problemo."
Tokath: [GLBL] DeathAdder "nice*"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "its vauable"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "anyone need an orb of breath?"
Tokath: [SERV] Zarteky-Ryoko dropped.
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "thanks lol"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "no?"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "orb of breath is useless unless yer going to Well"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "whats after chain mail"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "thats the only object underwater"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "whats after ring mail"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "cd man"
coddman: !Winamp 5.016: 11-time_lock_-_cities_of_the_future_rmx-mycel <> 6:10/7:29 <> 320kbps 44khz <> Song 1 of 1
Tokath: Message sent, coddman
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "lol i tried to get that hudbot Winamp thing working but i gave up"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "and Winamp went gay on me"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "when i was playing any music"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "click it"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "it took 7 hours"
Tokath: [SERV] KillerMan12.1 connected to the game.
Rose: I thought tokath's steal stat was jacked
Tokath: [SERV] KillerMan12 dropped.
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Over Here!"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Ah Crap!"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Over Here!"
Tokath: [SERV] KillerMan12.1 dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] EViL_iNC dropped.

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"

eynassy is not adam. That's another thing you like to do, tell people that one person is another without any actual evidence of it, just your own assumptions...eynassy is not adam. Completely different IPs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #21 on: July 1, 2007 11:11 pm CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
I see nada in that "quote" that says you did anything. I have been on more servers then this one and have seen admin gifted characters galore...It was actually in reference it appears to be to eViL when Pecker gifted him with the ability to mine keldrinite.

Do you enjoy completely missing the point? Whoosh!

Let's analyze what you said in that conversation:
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i need kildrinite"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "lol, I have none "
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "I am not one of these other guys"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "with god characters boosted by admins"

What we see you saying is that you have no keldrinite because your character is not one of these other characters that have been boosted. There is no reference to a past event or alternate server. In fact, 'these' refers specifically to the other players (specifically the gods in the server at that time).
In fact, your reference to eViL, Pecker, and alternate servers takes place completely within your own mind!
But I realized I grabbed the wrong quote, I meant to get the one where you specifically said I use my admin to 'only save/boost my own characters'
Here it is in full:
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "does rose have to come save her baby? "
Tokath: [GLBL] X-TA-C "dont get angry, get revenge i say"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "what is after full plate armor/"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR ":("
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "wait a bit longer, rose will be back to save u"
Tokath: [GLBL] X-TA-C "oh, and out of range killing is still illegal when a player is aafk type-s"
Tokath: [SERV] eynassy dropped.
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "since when"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "he only uses rose to save/boost his own characters"
Tokath: [GLBL] X-TA-C "since forever, always has been"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR ""
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "LMFAO no it hasnt"
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "its anything goes while afk"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "anybody want to come to the den with me?"
Tokath: [GLBL] X-TA-C "killing an out of range player regardless of their status is illegal"
Tokath: [GLBL] X-TA-C "thats why the range is there"
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "Nof."
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "Nof."
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "lol "
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "Nof."
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "afk, house, and mugging are instances when you can kill an out of range player"
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "No Problem"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "i have 10 LCK"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "what i do with thewm?"
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "Yes, thank u karne"
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "devour, us ctrl+k to use one"
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "use*"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "that dont kill me?"
Tokath: [SERV] eynassy connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] Karne "Nof."
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "ill try it later :)"
Tokath: [SERV] spacekid14 connected to the game.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath "D3v0uR, I get that type of message less than five percent of the time!~"
Tokath: [SERV] spacekid14 dropped.
Tokath: [ZONE] D3v0uR "tokath [Rolling On Floor Laughing] you funny"
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath "D3v0uR, My botmaster has not configured a reply to that query~"
Tokath: [ZONE] D3v0uR "yay lvl 44 now :-P"
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath "D3v0uR, What?~"
Tokath: [ZONE] D3v0uR "tokath nothing"
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath "D3v0uR, Unable to parse. Reason: You have run out of disk space on Drive C:~"
Tokath: [ZONE] D3v0uR "toakth [Rolling On Floor Laughing]"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "coins"
Tokath: [SERV] JaGo connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] JaGo dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] eynassy dropped.
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "coins"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "coins"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "what is after travelers den?"
Tokath: [SERV] JaGo connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] JaGo dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] D3v0uR dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] Karne dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] Karne connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] Karne joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [SERV] D3v0uR connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] PBDeath666 dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] rpm connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] D3v0uR joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "heal"
Tokath: [SERV] rpm dropped.
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "coins"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "coins"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "hi"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "buy"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "about"
Tokath: [SAY] D3v0uR "coins"
Tokath: [SERV] D3v0uR dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] EViL_iNC dropped.

Either I'm blind and can't see the part where you retracted your statement or it doesn't exist. Not, at least, in any normal sense of 'immediately.' There's also the chance that I edited the content, which I'm sure I'll be accused of, but I didn't.
I'm sure Corona logs IRC. I bet he has it, too.

Edit: Thanks, Corona.
This is direct from Corona to Corona's website, completely untouched by me:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #22 on: July 2, 2007 10:22 am CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
1. Once more in , again, plain English that IS a DIRECT reference to other players. It could be other servers where I have indeed such boosted characters but in this case, it was in direct reference to eViL and Pecker
Please explain how this:
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i need kildrinite"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "lol, I have none "
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "I am not one of these other guys"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "with god characters boosted by admins"

is any sort of reference to eViL and Pecker specifically, outside of this forum and outside of your own thoughts. Evil and Pecker may be a specific instance of admin boosted players, but there are dozens others. That's half the reason for the previous clear. Nowhere in the conversation on the server was any mention of Evil or Pecker, or the past clear made for this to refer to. Out side of your own mind, the reference does not exist.
You said I'm not one of THESE OTHER GUYS. That is a DIRECT reference to characters on the server at that time, specifically the gods. If you were referring to a past event (pecker/evil), or an event from another server, you'd have said THOSE guys. THESE refers to here and now, THOSE refers to something farther away.
THESE is the plural of this. This means...this: used to refer to the person or thing present, nearby, or just mentioned.
THOSE is the plural of that. That means...this: Used to refer to the one designated, implied, mentioned, or understood; Used to emphasize the idea of a previously expressed word or phrase; Used to indicate the farther or less immediate one;
Unless you can inject thoughts into others' heads, where is it ever designated, implied, mentioned, or understood that you're referring to Evil/pecker, or another server? There was no previous mention of pecker or evil on your or another's part.
First previous reference to Pecker:
Tokath: [GLBL] Reghar "well thats cool cause this server wasnt first rpg out u know"
Tokath: [GLBL] Balthazar "Ive been here for 4 years and I dont remember a foshizzle when pecker and solari"
Tokath: [GLBL] foshizzle "u"
Tokath: [GLBL] Reghar "i remember pecker when they started playing rpg lol"

The next reference to Pecker, following your unspoken, mentally injected reference:
Tokath: [GLBL] Rose "When we had admins like hobbes, lastwish, aphex"
Tokath: [GLBL] D3v0uR "15?"
Tokath: [GLBL] WizzDogg "15"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "yes and ozzy"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "and pecker"

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
2. Again, The "log" you provide only covers a short period of time and does not cover what what said when I logged back on. Of course, You will claim that I never retracted the statement  :)"
Tokath: [SERV] PaladinOfWrath connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] DaThief connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Evil might"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "he helped me"
Tokath: [SERV] EViL_iNC joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "seriously whats with the lag :)"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i go cd-man a pick axe and sent him to the mines by himself"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "cuz im trying to remort"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "can try, whatcha wanna know?"
Tokath: [SERV] DaThief joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "cd-man use T  not Y when you talk :)"
Tokath: [SERV] PaladinOfWrath dropped.
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "I'm only level 21"
Tokath: [SERV] PaladinOfWrath connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "he probably needs protection his first few levels"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "but you can still cast right?"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "im only level 21 so not up to being able to do that."
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "whats your rl?"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "not the higher level shield/heal spells"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "only like 6"

Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i thought when you remort you keep your sp's"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "?"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "you do"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "then why cant you cast?"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "i had 400 SP when i remorted"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i mean"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "hes a low level Lol"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "you keep the ones youve used?"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "no"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "you do, but at only rl6 i donty have the huge multipliers others do"
Tokath: [SERV] PaladinOfWrath joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "you dont keep the points youve used>?"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "screw that im not remorting"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "lol"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "all that work for what?"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "remortings make you stronger"
Tokath: [SERV] PaladinOfWrath dropped.
Tokath: [GLBL] Giglomesh "yea"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "brb"
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "food"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "not the ones used but until you get high rl you dont get high multiplier"
Tokath: [GLBL] Giglomesh ""
Tokath: [SERV] Hamel connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] Hamel dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] PallyOfWrath connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] Hamel connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] Hamel dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] PallyOfWrath dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] PallyOfWrath connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] PallyOfWrath joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [GLBL] Arf "AWESOME"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "???"
Tokath: [GLBL] Arf "i love the rt trick"
Tokath: [GLBL] Arf "i like busting em in the arse"
Tokath: [SERV] PallyOfWrath dropped.
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "anyone see nArchy lately?"
Tokath: [SERV] Xiazouvu connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "methinks I saw him joing this morning"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "did he say anything about being gone for the day?"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "not that I saw"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "ok"
Tokath: [SERV] Xiazouvu joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [HBOT] Tokath ""
Tokath: [SERV] Zone Diagnostics joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [SERV] Zone Diagnostics Tele joined team Citizen.
Tokath: [SERV] Type-S connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "damn whats with the lag today"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "@global maybe it all the multiple loggers"
Tokath: [GLBL] Arf "18 people on right now"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "18 people or 18 accounts?"
Tokath: [GLBL] TermFighter "mass kick now!"
Tokath: [SERV] Xiazouvu dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] Xiazouvu connected to the game.
Tokath: [SERV] Xiazouvu dropped.
Tokath: [SERV] Xiazouvu connected to the game.
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "Hi."
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "omg lag"
Tokath: [SERV] EViL_iNC dropped.

Here's another little gem I found while looking for something else (those are the best finds):

Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "and we used to have actual adminsd who enforced rules"
Tokath: [GLBL] Type-S "yes enforce them, but not the abuse it"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "rather then use abilities purely to boost thier own characters and those of thie"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "thier freands as happens now"

Which admin(s) do you claim 'use abilities purely to boost their own characters and their "freands" (sic)?' Is this (as happens now) reference also referring to another unmentioned server or long gone admin?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #23 on: July 2, 2007 05:58 pm CDT »
Back when I was an active admin, I enforced simple rules.  I didn't try to codify them.  If you were annoying somebody else, you were delt with.  That was about it.

These days I just let whoever is ruling to make up the rules.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Particle »
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.


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« Reply #24 on: July 2, 2007 06:17 pm CDT »
My god could you stop quote stacking such huge posts?  It made reading through that a unsavory woman.

I only have one thing to say: evil_inc makes tons of implications in every one of his posts.  To me it seems like he has a difficult time being direct.  That is just an observation I have made.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by RedneckNoob »

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« Reply #25 on: July 2, 2007 09:33 pm CDT »
Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
Once again, in again plain English, The reference was a DIRECT reference to other players and to eViL and Pecker in particuler. As that is the only other instance I am aware of of an admin making a character able to mine keldrinite, there is no other possibility of it referring to anything else.

Your inability to grasp the English language is mind boggling. Your only excuse for it could be that it's your second or more language, but even then you should be able to grasp this extraordinarily simple concept.

So, please explain how this:
Tokath: [GLBL] JaiLHouSe "i need kildrinite"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "lol, I have none "
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "I am not one of these other guys"
Tokath: [GLBL] EViL_iNC "with god characters boosted by admins"

is a direct reference to pecker and evil. Yes, I understand that pecker boosted evil to mine keldrinite. If you were referring to that, why wouldn't you use proper tense and say "I am not one of those characters that was boosted by admins."
In fact, you say specifically, 'I don't have any keldrinite...[because] I am not one of these (players on the server) that has been boosted by admins' You're referring to the here and now. Not the past. The server has been cleared for like 3 years. That admin and player no longer exist. What does it have anything to do with a player saying he needs keldrinite?

Quote from: "EVIL_INC"
You can continue to make things up and show altered logs to demonize me in whatever way you feel you need to to make yourself look good.

I had hoped that in having another admin post his versions of the log, and showing that the two are the same, would be somewhat convincing that I don't (and don't need to) alter the logs. Clearly you trust neither myself, Corona, or Hubba.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #26 on: July 3, 2007 07:12 am CDT »
Oh.. my.. god..

You guys need to relax!

EVIL_INC doesn't like Kyrie because he thinks he is a bad admin, and Kyrie doesn't like EVIL_INC because he accuses him of being a bad admin..  how about we agree to disagree and not write a book about it.  I was really shocked when I saw how long your posts were o_O  No way am I going to read that..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by 12Stones »

Quote from: "Aphex"
mmm so many different types of music, so little time.

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« Reply #27 on: July 3, 2007 09:57 am CDT »
Quote from: "12Stones"
Oh.. my.. god..

You guys need to relax!

EVIL_INC doesn't like Kyrie because he thinks he is a bad admin, and Kyrie doesn't like EVIL_INC because he accuses him of being a bad admin..  how about we agree to disagree and not write a book about it.  I was really shocked when I saw how long your posts were o_O  No way am I going to read that..

i already said this on like the first page.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Aphex »
Quote from: "Aphex"
<3 google


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« Reply #28 on: July 3, 2007 02:36 pm CDT »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by bungle »
"If you dont like it, go play kirby air ride."