this is a wep i made and it wont work
// PlasRocket Data
RocketData PlasRocketShell
bulletShapeName = "mortar.dts";
explosionTag = turretExp;
collisionRadius = 0.0;
mass = 2.0;
damageClass = 1; // 0 impact, 1, radius
damageValue = 2;
damageType = $MissileDamageType;
explosionRadius = 15.5;
kickBackStrength = 250.0;
muzzleVelocity = 65.0;
terminalVelocity = 80.0;
acceleration = 5.0;
totalTime = 10.0;
liveTime = 3.0;
lightRange = 5.0;
lightColor = { 1.0, 0.7, 0.5 };
inheritedVelocityScale = 0.5;
// rocket specific
trailType = 2; // smoke trail
trailString = "plasmaex.dts";
smokeDist = 1.8;
soundId = SoundJetHeavy;
ItemData PlasRocketAmmo
description = "PRockets";
className = "Ammo";
shapeFile = "plasammo";
heading = "zModifiedAmmo";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
price = 20;
ItemData PlasRocket1Ammo
description = "PRockets";
className = "Ammo";
shapeFile = "plasammo";
heading = "zModifiedAmmo";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
price = 20;
ItemData PlasRocket2Ammo
description = "PRockets";
className = "Ammo";
shapeFile = "plasammo";
heading = "zModifiedAmmo";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
price = 20;
ItemImageData PlasRocket1Image
shapeFile = "plasma";
mountPoint = 0;
mountRotation = { 0, 1.57, 0 };
ammoType = PlasRocket1Ammo;
weaponType = 0;
accuFire = true;
reloadTime = 0.1;
fireTime = 0.1;
spinUpTime = 0.2;
projectileType = PlasRocketShell;
ItemData PlasRocket1
description = "PlasRocket";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "plasma";
hudIcon = "plasma";
heading = "zModifiedWeapons";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = PlasRocket1Image;
price = 250;
showWeaponBar = false;
showInventory = false;
ItemImageData PlasRocket2Image
shapeFile = "plasma";
mountPoint = 0;
mountRotation = { 0, -1.57, 0 };
ammoType = PlasRocket2Ammo;
weaponType = 0;
accuFire = true;
reloadTime = 0.1;
fireTime = 0.1;
spinUpTime = 0.2;
projectileType = PlasRocketShell;
ItemData PlasRocket2
description = "PlasRocket";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "plasma";
hudIcon = "plasma";
heading = "zModifiedWeapons";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = PlasRocket2Image;
price = 250;
showWeaponBar = false;
showInventory = false;
ItemImageData PlasRocketImage
shapeFile = "breath";
mountPoint = 0;
weaponType = 0;
ammoType = PlasRocketAmmo;
accuFire = true;
reloadTime = 0.1;
fireTime = 0.1;
spinUpTime = 0.2;
sfxFire = SoundFire;
sfxActivate = SoundPickUpWeapon;
sfxReload = SoundReload;
ItemData PlasRocket
description = "PlasRocket";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "plasma";
hudIcon = "plasma";
heading = "zmodifiedWeapons";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = PlasRocketImage;
price = 250;
showWeaponBar = true;
function PlasRocketImage::onFire(%player, %slot)
%state1 = Player::getItemState(%player,6);
%state2 = Player::getItemState(%player,7);
if(%state1 != "Fire" && %state1 != "Reload" && %state2 != "Fire" && %state2 != "Reload")
%client = GameBase::getOwnerClient(%player);
Player::decItemCount(%player, "PlasRocketAmmo", 1);
%num = Player::getItemCount(%player, "PlasRocketAmmo");
if(%client.hd == 0)
%client.hd = 1;
if(%num == 1)
Player::setItemCount(%player, "PlasRocket1Ammo", 0);
Player::setItemCount(%player, "PlasRocket1Ammo", %num);
%client.hd = 0;
if(%num == 1)
Player::setItemCount(%player, "PlasRocket2Ammo", 0);
Player::setItemCount(%player, "PlasRocket2Ammo", %num);
function PlasRocket::onMount(%player,%item)
%num = Player::getItemCount(%player, "PlasRocketAmmo");
Player::setItemCount(%player, "PlasRocket1Ammo", %num);
Player::mountItem(%player, PlasRocket1, 6);
Player::setItemCount(%player, "PlasRocket2Ammo", %num);
Player::mountItem(%player, PlasRocket2, 7);
bottomprint(Player::getClient(%player), "<jc><f2>* * <f1>" @ %item.description @ " <f2> * *", 5);
function PlasRocket::onUnmount(%player,%imageSlot)
$ItemMax[lfemale, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[larmor, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[mfemale, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[marmor, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[harmor, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[sfemale, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[sarmor, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[ffemale, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[farmor, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[karmor, PlasRocket] = 1;
$ItemMax[lfemale, PlasRocketAmmo] = 20;
$ItemMax[larmor, PlasRocketAmmo] = 20;
$ItemMax[mfemale, PlasRocketAmmo] = 45;
$ItemMax[marmor, PlasRocketAmmo] = 45;
$ItemMax[harmor, PlasRocketAmmo] = 50;
$ItemMax[sarmor, PlasRocketAmmo] = 25;
$ItemMax[sfemale, PlasRocketAmmo] = 25;
$ItemMax[Farmor, PlasRocketAmmo] = 50;
$ItemMax[Ffemale, PlasRocketAmmo] = 50;
$ItemMax[Karmor, PlasRocketAmmo] = 100;
$InvList[PlasRocket] = 1;
$RemoteInvList[PlasRocket] = 1;
$InvList[PlasRocketAmmo] = 1;
$RemoteInvList[PlasRocketAmmo] = 1;
$AutoUse[PlasRocket] = false;
$SellAmmo[PlasRocketAmmo] = 35;
$WeaponAmmo[PlasRocket] = PlasRocketAmmo;
$ammopackitems[52] = plasrocketammo;
yes i do realize that some of it went off the side well if it did its still same line