I can show you how any gun can kill anybody... CS sucks now, it's all completely based on luck. It used to be skill during the first beta stages, but gradually, they made bullet spreads unrealistic and forced the game to work for newbies by having a huge head hitbox. All this, and when this current netcode was first put in, made Half-Life suck even more.
I remember the first time I tried out the new netcode with (I think it was hits one) it was on cs_malita. There was a CT camper with an Arctic Magnum, of course, and I strafe out to see just a bit, and about 1-1.5 seconds later, I get hit... The netcode thought I was still there, and instead of killing me, took me down to 6 health because it shot through the stone wall. (in front of the house, more specifically, in front of the garage)