I'm just going to make another thread about this clown. I'm getting pretty pissed off with him and would love to choke him to death but instead i'll write this thread!
Yesterday he was afk in cavern, i was out of lvl so I was going to mimic kill him. I dropped all my malarkey behind where he was standing, i mimiced the bot and it ran off so i followed it, then i got a phone call from my probation officer. Evil sent a "load of screenshots and a novel" to admins that I packspammed him..
SS1: As you can clearly see evil isn't even standing on the packs at all, Plus he's lvling in a very stupid position.
2 minutes later he's left the server altogether, did he really wanna lvl that bad in the first place?
SS3:The packs have been left there from the one position, behind the rock where no one levels anyway, why would evil possibly wana stand right were my packs are when he's ment to be leveling 2 meters forward from that position so he isn't waiting for the bots to run to him
My point here, and i'm sure bonzai will back me up is that he has been warned a number of times about Lying to admins to get others in trouble. He has already been jailed about it and bonzai himself said that if he's caught as much as bending the truth he'll lose a high percentage of his RLs. I think the times come to do something about this 37 year old child! He's wasiting admins time, players time and least importantly his own time.
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