onehitwonderx420 is mobile 1:15 am
onehitwonderx420 1:15 am
uwishyouweregod 1:15 am
what do you want
onehitwonderx420 1:16 am
Wow.ure still pissed at me?
I didnt even do malarkey
uwishyouweregod 1:16 am
let me reiterate my question, what do you want?
onehitwonderx420 1:16 am
Whats up?
uwishyouweregod 1:17 am
onehitwonderx420 1:17 am
Wtfs wrong w u?
uwishyouweregod 1:17 am
i believe i suffered from fetal alchohal syndrome
how about you
onehitwonderx420 1:18 am
Lol pretty much the same
uwishyouweregod 1:19 am
it has since evolved into asshole syndrome
onehitwonderx420 1:19 am
Thattt sucks
onehitwonderx420 1:20 am
What u been doin?
uwishyouweregod 1:20 am
sitting on my ass jerking off to your sisters facebook pictures
how about you
onehitwonderx420 1:21 am
uwishyouweregod 1:22 am
i got my license
had to buy a judge to get out of 90 days in jail
onehitwonderx420 1:23 am
Yea.jail sux
I was in delco for 2 weeks
Couldve been worse but still
Had a tv in my cell so it wasnt horrible
uwishyouweregod 1:25 am
retail theft
onehitwonderx420 1:25 am
onehitwonderx420 1:26 am
U keep up on my malarkey on portals.thats funny
uwishyouweregod 1:26 am
2 retail thefts in one month
whats that charge never seen that before
onehitwonderx420 1:27 am
And what do u mean 2 thefts?
uwishyouweregod 1:28 am
says you were arrested on the 13th and the 18th both for retail theft
onehitwonderx420 1:28 am
I was in jail for stealing malarkey once and tresspassing in some unsavory womanes yard
uwishyouweregod 1:29 am
well someones using your name or something
onehitwonderx420 1:29 am
Wtf?i was arrested on the 13th and ive been in jail scince yesterday
They need proof to do that and leave me w the charges
uwishyouweregod 1:30 am
look it up
uwishyouweregod 1:31 am
same judge on the case different arresting officers
meaning they were two different incidents
onehitwonderx420 1:31 am
Remeber that charge u said u saw once on me for fighting?
uwishyouweregod 1:31 am
not really
onehitwonderx420 1:32 am
That one doesnt make any sence either
uwishyouweregod 1:32 am
onehitwonderx420 1:32 am
onehitwonderx420 1:33 am
my celly the last couple days was tryin to get me to sell weed w him
uwishyouweregod 1:34 am
thats a good idea considering you would get a felony for having it in a jail
onehitwonderx420 1:34 am
When i got out
uwishyouweregod 1:34 am
onehitwonderx420 1:42 am
This wigger from chester
onehitwonderx420 1:44 am
Where u livin at now?
uwishyouweregod 1:46 am
same place
onehitwonderx420 1:49 am
ure moms?
uwishyouweregod 2:04 am
that was a rhetorical question right
onehitwonderx420 2:11 am
pretty much.yea
uwishyouweregod 2:15 am
so why didnt your parents bail you out
why did they let you sit in jail
i mean money obviously wasnt an issue
uwishyouweregod 2:18 am
sore topic?
onehitwonderx420 2:23 am
Im on my phone i didnt see u imed me
Teach me a lesson?i dunno
There wasnt really a point.i wasnt there long
So its whatever
onehitwonderx420 2:25 am
I got time served so im good
uwishyouweregod 2:25 am
maybe you shouldnt steal things
you dont seem to be a good thief
i always catch you
the cops always catch you
onehitwonderx420 2:26 am
Ive stolen malarkey from the same store for like 3 months and got caught once
onehitwonderx420 2:27 am
Whatd i steal from u?ure card?
U only found that out cuz the cops called u
And told u i did
uwishyouweregod 2:29 am
and you wonder why i dont associate with you
onehitwonderx420 2:31 am
I do actually
uwishyouweregod 2:31 am
here ill spell it out for you, YOUR A PIECE OF malarkey LOSER
onehitwonderx420 2:32 am
U kept chillinw me after that so
And whys that?
Humor me
uwishyouweregod 2:34 am
even your own parents cant stand you
wonder why they let you sit in jail for so long
there was no lesson
you dont learn
your an idiot
onehitwonderx420 2:34 am
that crazy coke whore eliz got drunk one night and ran into me at a bar so i walked her home cuz she was mangled and thats when u stopped chillin
uwishyouweregod 2:34 am
if im able to to see that
im sure they saw it a decade ago
she smokes crack
and i dont even fork wit that hoe anymore either
onehitwonderx420 2:35 am
and u learn?
uwishyouweregod 2:35 am
i dont hang out with pieces of malarkey anymore
onehitwonderx420 2:35 am
I figured she did
Either do i
uwishyouweregod 2:36 am
but your still a piece of malarkey yourself
uwishyouweregod 2:36 am
kind of a contradiction
dont you think
onehitwonderx420 2:36 am
It got old
O ok
uwishyouweregod 2:36 am
you just got out of jail
for stealing things
onehitwonderx420 2:36 am
If i was,i suppose
uwishyouweregod 2:37 am
last time i checked
only pieces of malarkey steal things that dont belong to them
normal people work for the things they have
i work my ass off every summer so i can sit around all winter
doing whatever i want
without having to steal to support myself
onehitwonderx420 2:38 am
what about that phone u stole at that party?
uwishyouweregod 2:38 am
i just didnt return it
onehitwonderx420 2:38 am
Or that kids gameboy at the mall?
uwishyouweregod 2:38 am
once again
onehitwonderx420 2:38 am
Kind of a contradiction,dont u think?
uwishyouweregod 2:39 am
not quite the contrary
did they take half your brain out when they removed that tumor
or did the chemo simply stunt the developement of your brain
or is it simply bad genetics
onehitwonderx420 2:40 am
If someone drops theyre phone nd u see it and theyre too drunk to say anything it open?right?
uwishyouweregod 2:40 am
i didnt see them drop it i sat on the couch and it was there
uwishyouweregod 2:41 am
your talking about malarkey that happended five years ago to prove what
that i was a stupid adolescent
im talking about malarkey that happended last week to prove that your still a dumb piece of malarkey
your own parents have all but abandoned you
onehitwonderx420 2:42 am
Ure pretty funny mr im gona get behind the wheel at 2 am with a suspended liscence and my neighbors plaate with weed in the car and pull into a park
uwishyouweregod 2:42 am
5 years ago
what are you dense
onehitwonderx420 2:43 am
Na i have a feeling ure still stupid
uwishyouweregod 2:43 am
or did you simply burn all the neuro receptors in your brain out
rofl im stupid... at age 10 i was tested to have an iq in the 145-150 range
just below genius
i was reading at a college level before i even got to high school
are you smoking crack now too
you and liz should hit it off
youd be perfect for each other
two piece of malarkey idiots
a match made in heaven
want her number
onehitwonderx420 2:45 am
na.i dont need ure recycled trash
uwishyouweregod 2:46 am
you seemed to want my sloppy seconds last year
whats changed
you find a new fat chick thats letting you hit it
onehitwonderx420 2:46 am
how do u figure that?
uwishyouweregod 2:46 am
im psychic
it comes with higher intelect
it must suck being a moron
onehitwonderx420 2:49 am
it must suck to be u.yea
I would think
uwishyouweregod 2:49 am
is that really the best you have
thats like gradeschool malarkey
onehitwonderx420 2:49 am
Na not really
and aruing over the internet is grown man malarkey,right?
uwishyouweregod 2:50 am
im not wasting my cellular minutes on you
your not worth it
onehitwonderx420 2:51 am
U have this long
uwishyouweregod 2:51 am
you should have been aborted and donated to stem cell research
so thati can live longer
onehitwonderx420 2:54 am
Oh yea.u conrtribute so much
uwishyouweregod 3:00 am
as i said before, at least my own family hasnt abandoned me
why dont you go commit suicide
its not like your ever going to amount to anything
other than a commmon thief
onehitwonderx420 3:02 am
u should write a book
Maybe itll become a bathroom hit
uwishyouweregod 3:03 am
maybe youll drown yourself in a bathtub
onehitwonderx420 3:03 am
a malarkeyter book
uwishyouweregod 3:04 am
actually i have a better idea why dont you go hang yourself in a closet and see how long it takes before anyone notices you mis
onehitwonderx420 3:04 am
Oh good one
uwishyouweregod 3:04 am
i bet they wouldnt care until you started to stink the place up
onehitwonderx420 3:05 am
yea u obvioulsy havnt changed at all
uwishyouweregod 3:06 am
lol your one to talk
onehitwonderx420 3:07 am
How do u figure that
onehitwonderx420 3:07 am
U dont even know me anymore
uwishyouweregod 3:08 am
well i can tell just by looking at your wrap sheet
and remember
im psychic
onehitwonderx420 3:08 am
oh yea.i forgot
onehitwonderx420 3:09 am
u must be
uwishyouweregod 3:17 am
dont let me catch you at any hilltop reunions you piece of malarkey
ill rip your dumb bald forking head clean off
uwishyouweregod 3:20 am
not that anyone would invite you
because much like your own family
even your friends have bandoned you
you forking piece of malarkey
onehitwonderx420 3:24 am
friends like who,you?
You never were one
u dont even know any of my friends u just like talking malarkey cuz you have no life
uwishyouweregod 3:27 am
i know all the kids we went to school with wont even answer your calls or respond to your texts
who are your friends kids like faloon
onehitwonderx420 3:27 am
So u sit aroung at 330 in the am arguing on the intnet and play tribes all day
i dont call or text anyone from hilltop.what r u even talking about
Lol filoon
I dont talk to that kid either
onehitwonderx420 3:30 am
u got me
uwishyouweregod 3:30 am
i remember when you would use to call and text matt
id be sitting right next to him
and wed laugh at what a loser you are
onehitwonderx420 3:31 am
Oh ok
What would i say to him then
i mean if u were next to him ud know,right?
onehitwonderx420 3:33 am
Dont worry,i'll wait
uwishyouweregod 3:34 am
about how you were always around and wanted to hang out
or how you were suicidal
and wanted to end it all
because your piece of malarkey life is so miserable
uwishyouweregod 3:35 am
liz ttold me about how you did that to her too
onehitwonderx420 3:35 am
Yea i never evenn said that and of course ud say i called him to hanng out cuz y else would i?
uwishyouweregod 3:36 am
trying to get people to feel bad for you
you never pulled it on me though
\you knew better
id tell you to do it
onehitwonderx420 3:36 am
Thats not proof of anything
uwishyouweregod 3:36 am
that you have no balls
because your a spineless fork
onehitwonderx420 3:36 am
Oh so u have balls huh
uwishyouweregod 3:37 am
yea i do
remember when that nigger robbed you
onehitwonderx420 3:37 am
Y dont u kill ureself then
uwishyouweregod 3:37 am
and you weere to pussy to do anything
i dont want to
i never said i wanted to
you did
but didnt follow through
because your a loser
anyway who did you have to goto
who stood up to him
called him out
wasnt you
your a unsavory woman
onehitwonderx420 3:38 am
o ok
Well this unsavory woman is goin to sleep now
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