I've found that I'm more into the progressive rock and laid-back kind of music. I was introduced to Porcupine Tree a few years ago and I fell in love (they tend to have songs which have a high dynamic contrast, which you usually don't hear with most rock groups). I was also introduced to the Eels last year. They're more of a....I can't really think of a way to describe them, so I'm hoping you've heard of them. They're songs vary between easy listening and medium rock, but I really like them for the obscure lyrics (One song is about birds, another about hot humid days in the south, another about hippies living in trees...)
Then there's the orchestral/symphonic stuff, mostly in terms of soundtracks. Being an instrumentalist myself (percussion), I enjoy listening to percussion-intensive pieces (i.e. Bear McCreary's soundtrack to "Battlestar Galactica") Also Christopher Franke. I also have an interesting soft spot for funk music, especially the stuff from the 70's to now. There's a guy at school who has a nice collection of DJ's who make songs which I can only describe as a hybrid of funk, hip-hop, trance and modern electronic music (A good example would be the music from "Samurai Champloo", minus the stupid rap they mix in with some of the music). But that's not really good for Audiosurfing to.