And Ozzy
i don't give a malarkey if i give ur aim name out oz, forking unsavory woman, i hope shorty bugs you to hell.
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD = eViL
MysteryMan112287 = Ozzy
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: u try ur admin lately on parts?
MysteryMan112287: yup
MysteryMan112287: it works
MysteryMan112287: You can never kick me out with your lies
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: what lies?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD:
Ozzy: I gave Draak a RP boost for being so... honest..
Other: honest?
Ozzy: Well
Ozzy: He could ahve done a lot of things to beef up his character with what he had
Ozzy: and he took it all off knowing he wouldn';t get it back just to level
Other: wait..
Ozzy: so he could become remort 100
Other: what are you saying exactly?
Ozzy: and still keep peace
Other: took what all off?
Other: and remort 100 doesnt mean jack forking malarkey.
Ozzy: I spiced up dk for him a but
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: nice lies oz
MysteryMan112287: Part knew about these
MysteryMan112287: HAHA
MysteryMan112287: to think you had an advantage
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
MysteryMan112287: using Blade against me?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i gave that to particle
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: blade gave me that
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i never told blade to do anything
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: he just did it
MysteryMan112287: Thats all right... I'm sure SS of you saying you are gonna backdoor or ban people yoruself are going to be much worse
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: particle knows that already
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i have told him i would if he didn't do something
MysteryMan112287: not about this
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and on another note, DoDoDo = Tasslehoff
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i know thats prolly useless, but i don't care, its kinda worth knowing
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and yes oz, particle knows all about me and my backdoors
MysteryMan112287: of course he knows that
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and no, particle won't do anything about it because he also knows something to go with it
MysteryMan112287: But he doesn't know what I have SS of you saying
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: that you don't know, because you don't need to it
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: oh, i'm afraid oz, what is he going to do to me?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: clear me?
MysteryMan112287: I regret all the times I kept him from banning you
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: let him
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: he can't ban all my ip's oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i have 3 on cable/dsl lines
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and another how many sitting in the 56k
MysteryMan112287: All it would take is 2 numbers
MysteryMan112287: and you know it
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: yea
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ban the entire at&t network
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ban the entire east coast while your at it
MysteryMan112287: What so you can't go over to a friends house and get revenge for a stupid forking game
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: so i can talk to friends
MysteryMan112287: You make me laigh
MysteryMan112287: *laugh
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: laigh?
MysteryMan112287: I used to think people were full of malarkey when they said all these games rotten kids minds
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and oz, i can still have a major say in what happens in the server
MysteryMan112287: why because you threaten to hack the server? Because you won't code for particle?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i have been sending particle code
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: he just has to stick it in
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and no, i don't threaten to hack the server
MysteryMan112287: You just said that
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: yea, backdooring and hacking are two totally different things oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: are you that dumb?
MysteryMan112287: How so?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: backdooring is taking advantage of a game bug
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: hacking is taking over a computer from another network
MysteryMan112287 signed off at 11:22:20 PM.
MysteryMan112287 signed on at 11:25:15 PM.
MysteryMan112287: Informal. To alter (a computer program): hacked her text editor to read HTML.
To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization: hacked the firm's personnel database
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: so?
MysteryMan112287: so you WOULD be hacking
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because i am not altering anything
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: =D
MysteryMan112287: To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization:
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i am not gaining access oz
MysteryMan112287: bullmalarkey
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: do you realize what the hell u are saying?
MysteryMan112287: what do you call it
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i am using a tribes glitch
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because the game was poorly coded
MysteryMan112287: You are gaining access to admin ILLEGALLE
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i am not gaining access to admin
MysteryMan112287: excuse me.. admin commadns
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i don't need to do anything major oz
MysteryMan112287: Either way you call it.. it is hacking
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: to ban someone takes 2 lines of code in a text document
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and neither of them gives me admin or hacks a com
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: comp*
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: see, your prob is your judging before u know whats going on
MysteryMan112287: ok then.. you have permission to do this?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: according to draak, he has permission to be lvl 3 admin
MysteryMan112287: Does Doug give you permission to use ANY loopholes on his server?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: so if i really have to, i can get him admin and have him alter his own char
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: do i care? no one ever gives permission ozzy, you know how many times a day it gets done by MD players
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i haven't used it on particles and don't plan to
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: so it means nothing
MysteryMan112287: Exactly... therefor it is illegal and therefor it is hacking
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: its using a tribes glitch
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no were do we gain access or edit any files
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: nowhere*
MysteryMan112287: You are undoubtly pathetic
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: we let the server handle everything
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: so we aren't doing it, the server is
MysteryMan112287: You are causing the server to do it
MysteryMan112287: And you saying "I will talk to some friends" isn't any forking better
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: why oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because u want to use your admin to fork with everyone on the server
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: go ahead, be a damn dick on the server to everyone, i don't care
MysteryMan112287: Wehn was the last time I used admin unlawfully
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: hmm, when u were raping people
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: killing them for your own fun
MysteryMan112287: Everyone was enjoying it and were getting more than they had to start with
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i never gave u permission to kill me, i didn't do anything wrong, but yet you did
MysteryMan112287: go on
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: what u gave them doesn't mean anything
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: its what u did in the first place to cause it
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: u killed how many people because they did nothing? interesting
MysteryMan112287: Oh ok... so someone running over the pack ON PURPOSE KNIWING WHAT IT WOULD DO is bad?
MysteryMan112287: that is my fault?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i didn't run over any forking pack oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: u forkin #killed me
MysteryMan112287: I don;t give a fork about you.. you mean nothing
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ah, ok, i'll be sure to take note of that
MysteryMan112287: Please do
MysteryMan112287: And on top of that telling Bullmalarkey lies about Draak won;t get you any further
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ah, ok
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: sure
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: a lot of people already hate him ozzy
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: my job is done already
MysteryMan112287: Then keep your nose out of it
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: nah
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i'll shove my nose in there if i want oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: and on another note
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: maybe draak shouldn't go around telling everyone he has 12 badges
MysteryMan112287: he didn't have 12 badges
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: ya know? kinda obvious after that
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: thats what he told me
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: as we were standing in uber
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: "i have 3 of each kind"
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: lets see, 4 kinds, that would be 4 * 3, which = 12
MysteryMan112287: I'm glad you can multiply
MysteryMan112287: but he doesn;t have 12 badges
MysteryMan112287: and you saying he power ranked?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i didn't say he power ranked
MysteryMan112287: 6 rank points.... real big power ranking there
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i said he was killing for rank
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i never said he power ranked
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: whoever told u i said that is full of it
MysteryMan112287: so just because he kills someone in another house makes him a bad guy?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because he does it using his power
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because he can't control himself
MysteryMan112287: his power?
MysteryMan112287: He was remort 100 stats
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: do you remember me, blade, or icacer going off and killing and mugging people after being gods for 2 hours?
MysteryMan112287: no I don;t
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: according to particle ozzy
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: killing as a god is the quickest way to get cleared
MysteryMan112287: lol Then you should have been cleared LONG ago
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no
MysteryMan112287: as should the rest of them
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because the killing i do is for the better of the server
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: not just killing some rl 50 because i wanted to
MysteryMan112287: And Draak stopping people from mugging another isn't for the good of the server?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i bashed edom around because he was being a dick
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: draak didn't do malarkey
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: if draak wanted to stop someone
MysteryMan112287: heh.. ok
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: he should have gone after tool
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: not thorin
MysteryMan112287: Well evil... if all the problem causers were gone then none would be playing, now would there?
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: yea, a lot of people would still be playing
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: because the problem causers are the ones that drive everyone off
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: which is why the last thing i did before my 72 hours were up was kill sexy
MysteryMan112287: ok then if all the good people are drived off then what does that leace
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: sexy has been mugging and killing with edom for the past few days
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: all the dicks
MysteryMan112287: *leave
MysteryMan112287: THen what the fork did I just say
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: oz
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: if there was no problem causers
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: the good people would still be there
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: vorter would still be there
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: icacer would still be there
MysteryMan112287: Not if the good people are allready gone
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: no, because there is always someone like me to stop the bad people oz
MysteryMan112287: lol
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i just had an idea, brb
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: bah, nevermind
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: i'll code it later
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD wants to directly connect.
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD cancels request; no connection was made.
uVe BeeN CrAcKeD: whoops
MysteryMan112287 signed off at 11:46:12 PM.
thats the entire conversation from top to bottom, not edited, unlike ozzy's lil added lines and removed lines and changed sentences.
Sticky This