I just got mugged today, I waltz into Ethren and it was like Jevd was waiting for me... Anyways, I was down in the basement selling my stuff, and Jevd hiding came up behind me and shuved me around... no problem of course, but then he started trying to mug me. Luckily I sold what I wanted to before he got it (Battle Axes, Turquoise, and other Mino stuff), and ran to the banker to storage what I had, luckily I got rid of my weapons, and armor, while he was still trying to mug me, and then he finally got my BoGs before I disconnected... I was getting off the computer anyways, so it's not too big of a deal that I had to deposit all my stuff so I didn't loose it to some dumb mugger... It's not like he's mugging for a reason even, he's just doing it to be a pest. Now, I know he's going to just probably mug me every time, so I'll have him on my target list at all times, that or Particle can take away his Stealing skills... either one will work for me, but eventally I'll have to remort, and then I won't be able to kill him before he can mug me... so something needs to be done, 'cause I can't defend myself forever.