Alright, the same EXACT thing happened again that happened last time. I have a RL 10 bard on particles, with legit stats and weapons, and I was hunting in uber peacefully. G-Unit comes and starts shoving me into uber, and then adds me to target list when I shoved him away from me.
I add him to my list, and continue to hunt--then he comes and hits me. So I start dueling him and own him badly--then he calls Game_Over to come help him, and I take 5 lck from Game_Over, and make g-unit tele (2v1).
Then, G-Unit comes in with a robe on and starts fast swinging me. So I duel them forever using normal swing, and I make game_over run. So since g-unit is FSing me, I start FSing back since I wasn't on lastwish to punish him, so he just runs and teles.
After a big deal in jail (xanth was there doing a good job of keeping it under control), xanth lets us go and G-Unit comes to uber again, so I turn and hit him once (since hes still on my list) and he runs away. Then, a character named G_Money logs on, and IMMEDIATELY G-Money (the real one) says thats not me. He said it so fast as to dispell any argument that he alt+tabbed in time to say that. So naturally, you KNOW its G-Unit--and then right after he gets in, he CRASHES ME. Yes, it was him--because when I got on LastWish and said I had G-Unit's IP matched with G_Money, and he said "SO WHAT!!" and dropped immediately.
He PROMISED ME he would NEVER crash anyone again--he continually lied about my character saying I fast swinged him first, and I shoved him first.
This has GOT TO STOP--Im sick of his bullmalarkey causing all this trouble on the server. He came in and started shoving me for NO REASON AT ALL.
I want him banned.