I have the EXACT same problem. I got into computers in about the 7th grade, but never spent more than a couple of hours on them a day. Still don't. But my sisters... My god... they'd get up at 8 AM, stay on ALL day until 6 AM the next morning... that's like 22 hours, and do it all over again. I don't see how they survive doing that, it's just DISGUSTING!
There's ALWAYS a line for my computer, just so they can sit here and talk to no-one, and be totally unproductive. I mean I have one sister that sits there and watches her away message, it's SO sad.
I've come to the realization about 6 months ago that I hate computers more than anything, and that it was the biggest waste of life learning 7 different programming languages, and doing all the other malarkey I used to do on them.
I mean look at them, they're unreliable, big and clunky, outdated in a matter of months... WHO NEEDS THIS malarkey?