Author Topic: armors.cs  (Read 4722 times)

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  • Centurian Lord
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« on: August 17, 2003 12:33 am CDT »
Bah. I completely rehashed armors.cs and put in all new armors of my own. I find it very odd, however, because nothing works. To be more specific, I have my rehashed armors.cs in my \RPG directory. I run my own server, and the #w's work for the items, but when I try to put them in my inventory or in my armor, they don't show up; just like if I decided to "#myitem gahbfkjbfsdj 1". It's the weirdest thing, because the #w's for the items work fine, while the actual items themselves don't work. I'll give you a few sample armors.

Code: [Select]
$AccessoryVar[RobeOfLords, $AccessoryType] = $BodyAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[RobeOfLords, $SpecialVar] = "4 1000 5 800 7 0";
$AccessoryVar[RobeOfLords, $Weight] = 5;
$AccessoryVar[RobeOfLords, $MiscInfo] = "Exquisite robe worn by elder priests.";
$ArmorSkin[RobeOfLords] = "robeblue";
$ArmorPlayerModel[RobeOfLords] = "Robed";
$ArmorHitSound[RobeOfLords] = SoundHitLeather;
$ArmorList[36] = "RobeOfLords";
ItemData RobeOfLords
description = "Robe of Lords";
className = "Accessory";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "eMiscellany";
price = 0;
ItemData RobeOfLords0
description = "Robe of Lords";
className = "Equipped";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "aArmor";

$AccessoryVar[GenjiArmor, $AccessoryType] = $BodyAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[GenjiArmor, $SpecialVar] = "4 1500 7 0";
$AccessoryVar[GenjiArmor, $Weight] = 0;
$AccessoryVar[GenjiArmor, $MiscInfo] = "Black foreign armor. Firmly protects the abdomen.";
$ArmorSkin[GenjiArmor] = "rpghuman6";
$ArmorPlayerModel[GenjiArmor] = "";
$ArmorHitSound[GenjiArmor] = SoundHitPlate;
$ArmorList[13] = "GenjiArmor";
ItemData GenjiArmor
description = "Genji Armor";
className = "Accessory";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "eMiscellany";
price = 0;
ItemData GenjiArmor0
description = "Genji Armor";
className = "Equipped";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "aArmor";

The weirdest part about this is that not a single piece of armor works. They all have the same problem, all 36 armors. It's frustrating, really.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2003 01:04 am CDT »
armorlist[13] = taken already.... isn't it?

and make sure you aren't over the 200 item limit...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2003 02:06 am CDT »
ArmorList[13] is taken the base version of armors.cs, but I rehashed the entire thing. All original armors were scrapped.

Anyway, 200 item limit? I don't think I am, but for future note, is that for all items, (i.e., potions, quest item, weapons, armor, etc.) Or... what? Also, all of my weapons and other items work fine. It's just armor that's borked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2003 02:09 am CDT »
then its something within your armor setup.  something we cannot help you with as we don't know how you have everything set up.

and the 200 item limit is for any item that is contained within ItemData <whatever>.  ItemImageData can be more than 200 i believe though, its just the actual item datas.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2003 02:10 am CDT »
Bah, if it'll help, I can just give you the entire armors.cs. It's rather frustrating and I'd like to get this working.  >_<
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2003 03:52 am CDT »
i'm not going to look at it.  its your screw up, your problem to fix.  the only things i am coding right now are a new Hud system for the upcoming PCRPG patch (which i hope to get done soon particle, i found a slight loophole in it which i am trying to patch up but i think i got it, i will be testing it shortly) and a new TRPG, which i am giving the creative name TRPG2 :P.  TRPG2 as it stands is more of a modern RPG setup, no remorts, you just start off at level 0 or level 1 and work your stats up and your level just gradually increases with all your stats...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2003 04:27 am CDT »
Kinda like how you raise skills in UO?

Sweet, do you have an estimate of when it will be done?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Newbie »


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« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2003 05:31 am CDT »
not really, i am re-working the skill system right now so the server owner can control what classes/races can use what skills.  so a fighter cannot cast damage spells and may have a limited range in healing spells, and a mage can cast offensive spells but may have a severely limited range in weaponry as the skills will cap off at a very very low number, forcing the player to use the primary skills and not other skills.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2003 05:41 am CDT »
Awesome.. yeah, that's what I don't like about tRPG.

After a few remorts and it doesn't matter what class you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Newbie »