Author Topic: Idea  (Read 4046 times)

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  • Orc Thrasher
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« on: September 11, 2003 08:12 pm CDT »
Hey i got this cool idea and was wondering if you guys could help me with it. My idea is to make like an invisibility cloak but make it run on energy like WWs. I got the robe i want to use but how would i add the inis code to it and what one would i use the one from #hide in comchat? well here is wat i have and all help would be appreciated. I have also been working on some things ill put in development for you too use if you would like. Heres the code:
Code: [Select]
$ItemCost[ThievesRobe] = GenerateItemCost(ThievesRobe);
$AccessoryVar[ThievesRobe, $AccessoryType] = $BodyAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[ThievesRobe, $SpecialVar] = "3 600 4 15";
$AccessoryVar[ThievesRobe, $Weight] = 16;
$AccessoryVar[ThievesRobe, $MiscInfo] = "ThievesRobe";
$ArmorSkin[ThievesRobe] = "robeblack";
$ArmorPlayerModel[ThivesRobe] = "Robed";
$ArmorHitSound[ThievesRobe] = SoundHitFlesh;
$ArmorList[27] = "ThievesRobe";

ItemData RobeOfVenjance
description = "Robe Of Venjance";
className = "Accessory";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "eMiscellany";
price = 0;
ItemData RobeOfVenjance0
description = "Robe Of Venjance";
className = "Equipped";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "aArmor";

its not completly done because i just got the idea but wanted to know if my idea will work or not before i move on. Thanx in advance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by FrieD »


  • Centurian Lord
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« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2003 08:28 pm CDT »
To do this would you have to make a new armor in humanarmors.cs

Just change the energydrain to what you want. for skin, put invisible.dts.

Then you set up a specialvar for the item itself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by UnderGod »
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  • Elvin Legion
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« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2003 08:39 pm CDT »
Couldn't you Hide on onUse, it would keep you invisible until you hit/get hit, but that may be better, maybe something like they knock the robe off you.

Edit: NM, thats a stupid idea.

Edit2: May want to change the ItemData from RobeofVengence, or in their inv it will have that name.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Hersh »

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  • Orc Thrasher
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« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2003 06:40 pm CDT »
Ok i got another question about this. Would i put MaleHumanArmor11 as the skin? thanx for your help so far i might just have it not sure yet. Oh yeah MaleHumanArmor11 is the invisable skin i just made
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by FrieD »