That just goes to show my point of standardized testing not being accurate. The context that that phrase was used was indeed in reference to stature, looks like you will just have to brush up on your english skills.
I hate to break it to you but you are NOT the worlds authority on each and every single subject known to man that you seem to think you are. degrees can be had by any 16 year old, it is just a matter of whether or not they want to do the work and pay for it. Just as you are an expert in some fields, so too am i in others. just the mere fact that you are making intellectual judgments about another human being that you have never met and have nothing to base the judgment on shows a faulty logic. when we both sit down and have psychologists pick apart our brains and such, then we may have something to go on. until then, you will just have to go with the give-take approach.
trust me, there is more to life than sitting in front of a computer screen.
there is also honor in fixing things for others and helping them out. it was a great feeling i had when i found that i was able to save lives at my job and vastly rewarding. Your "im better than you because i make more money" just shows more faulty logic.
If you are SOO superior, then just fix the worlds problems. until then, try to learn and continue your education both socially and intellectually. Then you might begin to understand that we are all in this world together and it is usually better to work together rather than finding random scapegoats to blame the worlds ills on and vent frustrations.