I recently made 3 weapons and none of them work!!!
I made 1 a while ago for my server and it was working... took a lil touching up but it worked. Now these ones im not sure they dont work.
The first1(atlansword) if u #w atlansword, it says has no slash restric and when u #myitems atlansword 1, gives me the false thing... and well the other 2 just dont work all together, here is the code....
$AccessoryVar[AtlanSword, $AccessoryType] = $SwordAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[AtlanSword, $SpecialVar] = "6 150";
$AccessoryVar[AtlanSword, $Weight] = 2.5;
$AccessoryVar[AtlanSword, $MiscInfo] = "A sword smithed by golems.";
$SkillType[Atlan Sword] = $SkillSlashing;
$SkillRestriction[AtlanSword] = $SkillSlashing @ " 460";
$HardcodedItemCost[AtlanSword] = 49753;
// Atlan Sword
ItemImageData Atlan SwordImage
shapeFile = "katana";
mountPoint = 0;
weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
reloadTime = 0;
fireTime = GetDelay(AtlanSword);
minEnergy = 0;
maxEnergy = 0;
accuFire = true;
sfxFire = SoundSwing3;
sfxActivate = AxeSlash2;
ItemData AtlanSword
heading = "bWeapons";
description = "Atlan Sword";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "katana";
hudIcon = "katana";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = AtlanSwordImage;
price = 0;
showWeaponBar = true;
function AtlanSwordImage::onFire(%player, %slot)
MeleeAttack(%player, GetRange(AtlanSword), AtlanSword);
$AccessoryVar[AssultAxe, $AccessoryType] = $AxeAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[AssultAxe, $SpecialVar] = "6 173";
$AccessoryVar[AssultAxe, $Weight] = 2.5;
$AccessoryVar[AssultAxe, $MiscInfo] = "A deadly weapon smithed in a dark caver by shadows.";
$SkillType[AssultAxe] = $SkillSlashing;
$SkillRestriction[AssultAxe] = $SkillSlashing @ " 760";
$HardcodedItemCost[AssultAxe] = 91713;
// AssultAxe
ItemImageData AssultAxeImage
shapeFile = "axe";
mountPoint = 0;
weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
reloadTime = 0;
fireTime = GetDelay(AssultAxe);
minEnergy = 0;
maxEnergy = 0;
accuFire = true;
sfxFire = SoundSwing7;
sfxActivate = AxeSlash2;
ItemData AssultAxe
heading = "bWeapons";
description = "Assult Axe";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "axe";
hudIcon = "axe";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = AssultAxeImage;
price = 0;
showWeaponBar = true;
function AssultAxeImage::onFire(%player, %slot)
MeleeAttack(%player, GetRange(AssultAxe), AssultAxe);
$AccessoryVar[WeepingHammer, $AccessoryType] = $BludgeonAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[WeepingHammer, $SpecialVar] = "6 154";
$AccessoryVar[WeepingHammer, $Weight] = 8;
$AccessoryVar[WeepingHammer, $MiscInfo] = "A war hammer.";
$SkillType[Weeping Hammer] = $SkillBludgeoning;
$SkillRestriction[WeepingHammer] = $SkillBludgeoning @ " 580";
$HardcodedItemCost[WeepingHammer] = 91713;
// Weeping Hammer
ItemImageData WeepingHammerImage
shapeFile = "hammer";
mountPoint = 0;
weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
reloadTime = 0;
fireTime = GetDelay(WeepingHammer);
minEnergy = 0;
maxEnergy = 0;
accuFire = true;
sfxFire = SoundSwing6;
sfxActivate = AxeSlash2;
ItemData WeepingHammer
heading = "bWeapons";
description = "Weeping Hammer";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "hammer";
hudIcon = "hammer";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = WeepingHammerImage;
price = 0;
showWeaponBar = true;
function WeepingHammerImage::onFire(%player, %slot)
MeleeAttack(%player, GetRange(WeepingHammer), WeepingHammer);