Tonight was a pretty big night for PCRPG. I coded in five commands for pK's and admins, as well as working on the Admin's Might spells (more specifically, the timer functions for the effects), and adjusting the line break code to include new exploits.
New commands:
#untent playername
Removes all tents of the specified player.
#globalmute playername
Globally mutes a player, giving them the same command line privilages as one in jail.
#globalunmute playername
Disables #globalmute on the given player.
#extravision playername
Similar to #eyes.
Equivelant of #revert, except accessable by a pK.
And... speaking of new commands for pKs... the new pKs have been chosen. As nominated by Pecker (and many of you), here are the new pKs:
1) 7
2) GE
3) wise_one
4) jake_hell
They will be given a seven day trial period, at which point their permanent status shall be determined. Let's hope this works out.