Particle, I want this to be between Me and You. I did chose this to be puplic too. My friend Halide was playing his character "Halide". And now it has been stolen. I confermed this by talking to him on AIM, we are good friends and I know its Dave or "Siayer", now "Halide", that has stolen his character. As a fact my friend Hal was Remort lvl 1 and lvl 94 when he last played his Char' now its lvl 121 avenger. I know that once I give my friend over AIM the new pass I want you to set Part, I KNOW' the right person will have his rightfull character back into HIS control. Its as simmple as changing the pass and letting me know so I can tell him. Or I will give you his AIM/MSN if needbe apon your request. Please Help ASAP.
-=Edit=- I was the one who helped him learn how to play and create his char. Thats how I know its HIS.
Thank you,
-Death-Adder-, Halide