Author Topic: Fried being very naughty  (Read 5229 times)

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  • Orc Thrasher
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Fried being very naughty
« on: January 3, 2004 10:28 pm CST »
I must admit that this community has been quite nice, all except for one. FrieD.  He refuses to leave me alone.  I've honestly tried everything from facing him, ignoring him, trying to out talk him, and nothing has worked.  He has been PKing me on sight, mugging me untill I have nothing (I'm a newbie btw), weighing me down and sitting there throwing things on me, talking endless amounts of trashtalk, shoving me into walls, enemies that will surely kill me, big heights, he even has gone so far as to mimic kill me.  He is level 123 and I am level 21.  Thats more than a 100 level difference and I am only RL 1.  He says when he mugs me blind that it has been 30 mins apart and only 2 items, both a lie.  He kills me often and I have no defense against it, ever.  If were in town he could just shove me to death.  Am I mistaken that mimic killing a newbie at more than a 100 level difference is wrong?  He laughs at you guys saying you will do nothing and that the most he will get is a little jail time, care to prove him wrong?
   Oh yes and what attracted his attention to me was I was mugging a newb one time for his broad sword (The whole mugging thing is hilarious to me, but I don't like seeing people lose things so I give em back), and trust me I'm not mean enough to mug a newb and run off with his only weapon, I was going to give it back, and I still to this day have given all things stolen back. But he felt like using the excuse to justify mugging me blind.  I guess you can't punish someone for just that except for the fact that he did it more then very often. So of course I tried ignoreing him (totally futile), fighting him (totally futile), and even trying to make him feel bad for all that he was doing to me. But he would just use the excuse of my efforts to get him off my back as reason to take things further. I honestly am out of options and he has gotten to the point as to where I can hardly train or travel.

Here is some proof if you need some.
The first chat box and second chat box are continuous while the third part I got a little bit down, I didn't grab the whole chat box that time because that was the only thing said (the rest around it showed bots spawning and getting killed ect). If you need me to get them bigger to see them better I guess I could.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by DeAtH-Abbadon »


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« Reply #1 on: January 3, 2004 11:15 pm CST »
I do apologize for the inconvience. This will be dealt with promptly.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by UnderGod »
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"


  • Orc Thrasher
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« Reply #2 on: January 4, 2004 12:02 am CST »
lol ok.. Ima defend my self on that...

First i mugged 2 items 30 mins apart. I took ww's and claymores everytime
i stopped when 7 told me too.
I mimic killed him only because he was putting price on my head and talking trash. Also i rule like to note that that is my first offense and i honestly dont think it says in the rules Char will be stripped of all lvls and sp and rp and lck. Umm abb talks alot of trash such as " You suck and your getting your ass handed to you. or. You could never pk." ok thanks w/e this server gets gay anyways without any rule enforcement until I DO IT then i get it. Such as i get mugged 10 items while lvling or pked atleast 20 times in one day. I killed abb 4 times because he was afk. plus what in the world is a lvl 21 doing with lvl 13-14s in yolanda. Or may i say Abb was mugging newbs. Oh yes i got screens of it too. Sigh* ill post those tommorow there on my other computer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by FrieD »


  • Orc Thrasher
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« Reply #3 on: January 4, 2004 12:09 am CST »
lol i cant prove u mugged me in less than 30 mins more than twice w/e. and i was in yolanda with them because we were gonna goto elven, i cant even mug. i talk trash because of what u do to me. its not like im yelling at u for no reason from you.  you act innocent but you really are far from it. and when did i put a price on ur head? do u mean 0utlaw? i dont think i even have 100k in the bank if that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by DeAtH-Abbadon »


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« Reply #4 on: January 4, 2004 12:33 am CST »
ohh yea u act innocent too but w/e its a game i deal with it unlike some people. and yes u can mug because i got screens of u attempting to mug a poor lvl 19. A price on my head is a price on my head so w/e
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by FrieD »


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« Reply #5 on: January 4, 2004 02:25 am CST »
lol whats the worst i did to you? said some mean words here and there? and fyi i dont keep what i steal. at most i dance around for a minute then give it back. im not like you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by DeAtH-Abbadon »


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« Reply #6 on: January 4, 2004 08:47 am CST »
You need to be at least level 25 to pickpocket, let alone mug.

And you should read the rules completely before you make such an assumption.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by UnderGod »
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"


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« Reply #7 on: January 4, 2004 11:10 am CST »
this is no assumption ozzy. he was a lvl 91-95 paladin with mug gonig around mugging newbs and picking on them. the only reason i pked him like i did was because he needs to learn to leave alone the newbs. he just remorted and wanted to talk trash. its stuff that was antagonizing me to pk him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by FrieD »


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« Reply #8 on: January 4, 2004 11:26 am CST »
Quote from: "FrieD"
plus what in the world is a lvl 21 doing with lvl 13-14s in yolanda. Or may i say Abb was mugging newbs. Oh yes i got screens of it too.
Quote from: "FrieD"
he was a lvl 91-95 paladin with mug gonig around mugging newbs and picking on them.

Which is it? Get your story straight before you lie.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #9 on: January 4, 2004 11:38 am CST »
Reread my post friend, then comment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by UnderGod »
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"


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« Reply #10 on: January 4, 2004 12:25 pm CST »
If someone is talking trash and trying to antagonize you into attacking them while they are low level, you can just mute them so that you arent bothered.
Lots of people do that in an effort to get others in trouble. "He pked me while I was only level 3. Boo hoo. Can you punish them?". Dont fall into thier trap. Just ignore them or mute them.
When it comes down to it, it is as Ozzy said, you broke the rules regardless of any extenuating circumstantial evidence and it is the admin's pk's job to follow the rules and punish you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by EVIL_INC »
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I kinda miss Evil's lengthy post.


  • Orc Thrasher
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« Reply #11 on: January 4, 2004 04:44 pm CST »
he keeps talking about me trash talking him and me trying to get him to do things to me but i only say something after he steals something from me, trash talks to me, bashes me, kills me, ect.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by DeAtH-Abbadon »