I cant think of the worst day in my life, but heres a bad day from freshman year.
I had checked my progress report in the morning on the internet, and I was failing 3 classes (3 weeks til end of marking period), I got sent to the dean of students for tearing a fag tag off of another guy's shirt, and then I had to take an online test after school. Because i didnt have internet at home at the time, I had to take the test at school. Because i didnt have a cell phone, I couldnt call my parents and tell them i was taking a test for an hour.
I come out, and my stepmom is super pissed. I try to defend myself, but shes already way too pissed off. She pulls the car over into the turning lane, stops, jumps out, pulls me out, pushes me against the car, and beats my butt. That was a weird ass day. She hasnt even apologized for that day.