You are calling me out of retirement for well over a year to come "fight" you on tribes? Your calling me weak? Thats just pathetic. I played my game back in the day when being good accualy mattered, i need not to prove myself to some nameless person over the internet on a game i dont even play anymore. If this was 2-3 years ago (when i accualy played) it would be a diff story. No one good plays anymore thus there is nothing left to prove.
Ye told people to use jump.cs!
Before that forking thing came out I could out ski anyone in any armor.... now it's just sorry how much I cannot keep up with some damn script kiddie bullmalarkey. Went from Capper to spamming offense in less than a week thanks to the treasured "jump.cs" and defense setting packs!
I played back when being good actually mattered. I used to have high scores in any base or ren classic server I played in. I used to cap like a mofo. I got in to a top 10 renClassic clan when there were more than 120 renclassic teams on the ladder and when tribes was less than 2 years old. I got in to that clan in my second week of playing tribes! After jump.cs wiped out my capping job I switched to defense setting and was a master at that (either base or ren classic) as I was able to make up stuff quicker than anyone else. BAMMOOO, an other script for all the kiddies comes out! The drop-pack, the poop-pack, the watever-the-hell-pack. I lose my defense job and become the lowly Offense spammer because I refuse to use the scripts that clearly even the playing field and take away a lot of the speed and skill involved with game play. I used to doo all this malarkey, right?
Don't you realise that it doesn't matter any more? Why even mention the past if it means nothing any more? Why mention you are "the best" if we have no way to verify that because just about none of us knew who you were back then?
Nobody knows who I am and near nobody knows who you are!
What is the point?
Should I dig up all the old clan members I used to be with back before jump.cs and droppacks were EveryWhere just to proove some bullmalarkey that no longer matters?
fork no!
Post that you found it charming in an extreem competition way. Post that you were with some of the most compedative matches and the feelings they gave you were very unique and addictive.
Quit your forking unsavory woman-ass crying about how "the best" you were. We don't want to hear your arrogant bullmalarkey any more! End of story!
Oh... and I am NOT waiting for your "witty" retort so don't bother posting it as it won't be read!