Dear friends,
Thank you for reading this, as there is something which I need to talk about. One of my best friends, Taurik, is not able to get on his character, all he sees is a black screen, and he can only use the console to talk. It has been almost two weeks now that I have not seen him, and I'm greatly worried that he may not be able to come on as Taurik again. It's just not fair that someone so nice as him would not be able to come on the server :(
Without one of my friends, this magical world doesn't seem the same. I know all of you are magical people :), and I especially thank the people who keep the server running, for keeping such a magical place open to everyone. I truly thank you for that :)
Lately though, I find myself unable to be so happy as I was before. Knowing Taurik's character is experiencing problems for so long is deeply saddening me. I don't want to level or explore or anything until I know he's back. I find myself unable to do much at all besides casting heal spells to train defensive casting. Lately I have kept myself locked away in Arkemn's tower because I don't want to explore anymore knowing that Taurik is not able to come on his character. You'll probably find me in the tower on the bed, no amount of heal spells can cure the tears and hurt I am feeling.
Even though you all have done enough for me by just creating such a magical world, I still want to ask a favor. If you can, would you please help Taurik's character? I am sorry that I am sad, but that is all I can feel besides the loneliness at the tower. I find that I cannot leave this tower until I know Taurik is back and able to use his character, which he poured his heart into. I know this is a very big favor to ask, but I could not be quiet any longer. I would even give up my own character if I had to, just to see that Taurik could have his character back. I know that anyone who is reading this is a magical person, for being nice enough to read this, and anyone who can fix this is a magical person too. Won't you pretty please help Taurik out? I would be so happy if you would :) :) :)
I'm sorry to ask such a big favor, but it hurts knowing that someone could fix Taurik's character, and it hasn't been done yet :( if you can, please please help him, he's the nicest person this server has ever seen and he definitely deserves to be back. I'm asking, won't you find it in your sweet caring hearts to help him out? Again, I'm sowwy for being so sad, but how can I be happy when Taurik is not able to use his character? :( It would be so nicey nice if someone could fix his character for him :) :) :) :) :)
Sorry that was so long, but I've been sad for a long time now. thank you so much for reading this. awww, you are so nice :) thanks for caring :) I wasn't that sad at first, but it kept building up, seeing such a nice person like Taurik have to deal with this, he really put his heart into that character, it would mean the world to me if he could see the world through his character's eyes once again, and see the magical world you all have defined with your very hearts. :) thank you thank you so much for reading this, and thank you even more for caring, and thank you even more for helping :)
Bye bye all, and awwwwwwwwwwwwww, thanks for reading this :) you are so nice. Please post to show your support of Taurik, thanks!
Yours truly,
P.S. sorry I had to make a second account, but I tried to do the first one with my own email account, I couldn't get the email :( so I had to use someone elses. sorry about that! :)