guys.. this was meant to be a topic of VALENTINES DAY IDEAS.. not to flame, or post RANDOM CRAP!!! so please stay on topic, and out of 15 replies... only 2 really answered the question, thanks pecker and razore, oh and razore, youll find out that the majority of people do that.. its dull and boring, if you want to stay in a girls mind, and be the one she thinks about, do something special, and creative, and unique for her!! movies, theres no way to get to know the girl, what maybe holding hands? thats about it... (im talking about for valentines, or a first date and such, but for like just hanging out, its not toobad) oh, and one other reason, she finds movies boring
so can anyone tell me what they are doing for valentines? Trien, and pickles55, go talk ur stupid useless bs somewhere else okthxbye